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Country Russian Federation
Signed Up August 30, 2015
Last Posted April 29, 2016 at 9:34 PM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
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#142 kaidus retires from nerdRage due to wrist injury in News

so long and thanks for all the fish

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Spyro's log combiner in TF2 General Discussion

Why don't you use FXML file with JavaFX? It's awesome and you can keep your code super-clean :)

posted about 9 years ago
#25 drackk to Reason Gaming in News

Left kos Starkie 2 days ago
Joined Starkie kaptain 2 days ago
Left Starkie kos 3 days ago
Joined kos kaptain 5 days ago

what's that

posted about 9 years ago
#17 drackk to Reason Gaming in News

kos has also joined Reason few hours ago

posted about 9 years ago
#72 serveme.tf - free server reservations in Projects

I have no complaints about neither soap nor mge.
How are they not enabled if I have checked the enable checkbox by default and I don't change it? Even if I checked it during the reservation?

The problem is in sm_cvar command. And I provided you a log and reservation number where it does NOT work. Eleven more people are bystanders.

Did you even try to start a game with people and do it during the game to reproduce the problem marginally?
Did you try to rcon my actual reservation to try it yourself?
Did you try to look server log output?
No, you didn't even try to debug, you just said "no, I won't fix, I don't care lol bye" and that's all. Is that how you debug things? Now I don't care either.

l1101006.log (3 hits)
Line 3856: L 11/01/2015 - 19:36:39: rcon from "": command "sm_cvar tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime 0"
Line 5013: L 11/01/2015 - 19:44:09: rcon from "": command "sm_cvar tf_dropped_weapon_lifetime 0"
Line 5025: L 11/01/2015 - 19:44:56: rcon from "": command "sm_cvar"

posted about 9 years ago
#70 serveme.tf - free server reservations in Projects
pazerAsking him to install sourcemod on all his servers is not the same as asking him to "fix" something. If you want to change the configuration of servers past the extent allowed by serveme.tf, then you'll have to buy your own server.

I asked to fix sm_cvar for donator servers which all have sourcemod enabled, but he just refused, didn't even want to sort it out.

posted about 9 years ago
#68 serveme.tf - free server reservations in Projects

It's accepted, don't you see?

You refused to fix an issue with a service that I payed for (plus soap dm and mge), banned me on site and all servers, after I asked for a refundб and now you call this 'scamming'? Ha! So childish and unclever behavior!

posted about 9 years ago
#66 serveme.tf - free server reservations in Projects

Today I asked Arie if he's going to fix the sourcemod bug (sm_cvar doesn't work to phohibit picking up mediguns).

Unknown command "sm_cvar"

Arie - serveme.tf: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Zeluboba: aren't you gonna fix that?
Arie - serveme.tf: No
Zeluboba: can I get the refund for 20 days then?
Arie - serveme.tf: No


then my comment was removed and I got banned from serveme and all the servers :^)
nice attitude :)
edit: http://i.imgur.com/tF7nfUq.png <- refund

That's why I think big projects should be controlled by a group of people, not single on. Be careful, people, and think twice, before donating to this nice project, especially big money. I find it very funny and serious banning people for asking a refund after a developer rejects to fix a bug.

posted about 9 years ago