HasssassinSetsulHasssassinhowever one thing to be noted is that this isnt like cocaine which would turn my aim into 90pg. for 20 mins (approx)
Should we be concerned about why you can put an exact time to this?
i never said I do/did it, but its the general elapsed time for the affects to last
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i dont condone the use of hard drugs
I just wanna point out that
A) Cocaine usually lasts around 30-45 minutes, not 20. Semantics I know, but I'm always one to make sure accurate drug info is being spread.
B) You linked a video detailing crack, which gives much different effects than regular cocaine. If you told me you snorted a line of coke before a match I'd believe you, but if you smoked crack beforehand I guarantee (unfortunately I know from experience) you wouldn't be focused or have enough fine motor control to properly play TF2.