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Signed Up February 22, 2016
Last Posted March 31, 2018 at 1:37 PM
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#1 I Have a 75% ($15) Portal 2 Discount in Other Games

I need your help!

I have a 75% off Portal 2 discount card on Steam that Expires tomorrow, April 1 that I want to try and sell for a little. If anyone has a friend that wants to get Portal 2 please let me know! I would also like suggestions for where to advertise something like this!

posted about 6 years ago
#4 Is there a difference between festives? in TF2 General Discussion
michael-i think whatever the difference, if any, is minimal as i've heard that there are scammers attempting to pass of festivized stock weapons as the limited ones

i like that i can festivize the black box and such without that vomit colored gift-wrap shit. i just want lights on my shit, man.

Yeah same here, I bought a few festivizers from the market to put on some of my weapons, I tried to check the Tf2 wiki but it says the site can't be reached as Joe_Shroe said. I am trying to find out more about these but there isn't much information on it yet because it just came out so there aren't any YouTube videos with it or anything. I was also looking to festivize my crusaders crossbow however I'm not sure what the festivized one looks like and I also don't think it shoots candy canes.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Is there a difference between festives? in TF2 General Discussion

In 2011 they released festive weapons and now 2017 smissmass they made it so you could put festivizers on stock weapons. I know it is different for things like the blackbox where originally it has wrapping paper and now it is just lights but for festives like the scatter gun and rocket launcher what do they look like side by side? Thanks!

posted about 7 years ago
#11 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion
TobIncluded_Middle It's already colored green
Why would he make a vtf crosshair green? One of their best properties is you can make them white and use the ingame commands to colour them. :(
The point of it was so he could just make it white in-game and have a green, purple and yellow dot VTF for slot1/2/3 so he didn't need a crosshair color script either

Yeah that is what I'm doing, I have solved the problem and thank you everyone, I meant to say that a few days ago but forgot. Thanks everyone!

posted about 7 years ago
#6 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion
deguyou're messing up vtf and font crosshairs, if you want a outline on vtf crosshair simply edit the picture

Okay, will do! And thank you Tob, having a larger crosshair I can see a small outline but I normally like having a smaller crosshair, I did away with that and did what you said :)

posted about 7 years ago
#1 How Do I Get a Black Outline on My Crosshair in TF2 General Discussion

*Solved* I am using the "crossdot" from the VTF Crosshair Pack: http://www.teamfortress.tv/35367/vtf-crosshair-pack and I'd like to add a black outline. I saw another thread that showed you needed "outline" "1"
"name" "Symbol"
"tall" "32"
"weight" "0"
"additive" "0"
"outline" "1"

Execpt when I go to that is is:

"file" "vgui/replay/thumbnails/crossdot"
"x" "0"
"y" "0"
"width" "64"
"height" "64"

Where do I add the outline 1 or does that not work for this?

posted about 7 years ago