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SteamID64 76561197982350273
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Country United States
Signed Up October 6, 2012
Last Posted April 10, 2015 at 4:54 PM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
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#58 ESEA Open: Seendio vs. Muffin Men in Events

sick burn, dude. you really got me there!!!

i really care if you know who i am, man. you couldn't even manage to win half of your matches in open, and the best season you played was when you were putting out 160 dpm while your teammates carried you. it's funny, after 7 seasons of tf2, you ended up at low-mid open at best. even when you switched to csgo, you're getting like, fucking 6 rws in your games even with 800 hours logged. so to answer your question, i'm red. you rang for my team once and you were annoying and hilariously bad.

posted about 9 years ago
#51 ESEA Open: Seendio vs. Muffin Men in Events

sorry, what's the highest division you've played? oh you've played in intermediate and had an astounding record of 4/23. that's pretty fucking impressive. isn't the only reason why anybody in this community finds you bearable is because you provided servers? from my encounters with you, you were annoying as fuck, and i'm sure others would agree. why are you even still around???

posted about 9 years ago
#2 mid-high open team lf pocket in Recruitment (looking for players)

if you want a team full of kids that aren't even in high school yet, think they're better than they actually are, attempt to cut their way to the top, then i guess this team fits you.

heard that they've gone through a couple of scouts, roamers, a demo, and now a medic because of several mistakes that they made. doesn't seem like a team that tries to stick together to try to improve, but rather cut people until they think they've found the right person.

oh, and the medic that they cut also paid their open fees and even premium for them, because they would need to ask their parents for their credit cards. group of classy kids right here. you guys are gonna go far.

posted about 10 years ago
#16 learn your rollouts \( ' ' )/ in Videos

damn.. it's as if you're one of the first demos to do this or something

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Hey LFT Roamer! (Open) in Recruitment (looking for team)

he's a nice guy and definitely willing to learn and get better. he'd be a great fit for any team that is always looking to improve, because he would definitely put in the time and effort to help his team.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#39 thanks guys in TF2 General Discussion
TWSSLERAlrighty who is going to start the which hunt? I guess Slin will lead the charge

the WHICH hunt??? yet another quality post coming from you.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 red's stream in Requests

hello, i'm red.

i play demo and i'll be streaming 6s and highlander scrims, matches, and pugs.


posted about 11 years ago