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Last Posted January 13, 2023 at 3:10 PM
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#2 Massive FPS Drops in Q/A Help

I know you tried reinstalling TF2 already but it's worth trying a completely fresh install first. Remove all the game's files from the install folder, uninstall it from steam and make sure you disable cloud saves for it. Install it afterwards and see if anything changes.

If that doesn't work, backing up important files and reinstalling windows should fix it. You can test this before you do it by installing windows on another drive without formatting anything. It should allow you to dual boot. Boot into the fresh install, get only the drivers you need, install Steam and TF2 and see if anything changes. If it does, good, backup your important files and install windows again, this time formatting the drives with the other windows installs.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Toggleable transparent viewmodels in Customization

So I found a way to toggle transparent viewmodels in game.
You can just bind a button to toggle them, no lag or anything.
I tested it in casual, community servers and even valve comp and it's working fine.
I got the proper settings and transparency files from this thread: https://www.teamfortress.tv/21928/transparent-viewmodels-in-any-hud
And edited this static ambassador crosshair mod: https://github.com/juniorsgithub/tf2-static-ambassador-crosshair

Heres how you do it:

  1. Download the static ambassador crosshair mod and unzip it in your game's custom folder. Inside the amby-crosshair folder delete the "materials" folder.
    Also follow this step from the mod's guide:juniorIf you use a custom HUD

    Inside your HUD's folder, navigate to /resource/ui and look for huditemattributetracker.res.
    If it is there (doesn't have to), move it (not copy) into the amby-crosshair folder. If it asks you to overwrite you're doing it right.
  2. Download the transparent viewmodel files and extract them in the amby-crosshair folder.
  3. Inside of the amby-crosshair folder, open the crosshair.txt file with a text editor and change this part:
    // VTF image version
    	visible 			1
    	xPos				cs-0.5+0
    	yPos				cs-0.5+0
    	wide				24
    	tall				24
    	image				"replay/thumbnails/crosshairs/cross"
    	drawColor			"50 220 0 255"
    // VTF image version
    	"xpos"			"0"
    	"ypos"			"0"
    	"zpos"			"-100"
    	"wide"			"f0"
    	"tall"			"480"
    	"visible"		"1"
    	"enabled"		"1"
    	"image"			"replay/thumbnails/REFRACTnormal_transparent"
    	"scaleImage"	"1"
    In the same file, scroll to the very bottom and change:
    //#base "resource/OnlyWithMinmodeOn.res"
    //#base "resource/OnlyWithMinmodeOff.res"
    //#base "resource/AboveNormalCrosshair.res"
    //#base "resource/OnlyWithMinmodeOn.res"
    #base "resource/OnlyWithMinmodeOff.res"
    //#base "resource/AboveNormalCrosshair.res"
    (this will make it so when hud minmode is on, it will display the regular contraker overlay)
    If you want the regular overlay when minmode is OFF, change to this instead:
    #base "resource/OnlyWithMinmodeOn.res"
    //#base "resource/OnlyWithMinmodeOff.res"
    //#base "resource/AboveNormalCrosshair.res"
  4. Make sure you have the proper settings for transparent viewmodels. If you use mastercomfig just use the transparent viewmodels addon, it should work fine. If not I will just quote the original thread:komorebi// Prism Settings (for refract)

    mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking on
    mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
    mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials
    mat_hdr_level 0
    mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
    mat_colorcorrection 0

How to toggle:

All the info you need on that is in the amby crosshair mod page but to sum it up:

  1. Toggle transparent viewmodel by toggling
    0 will turn transparent viewmodels off, 1 will turn them on. A value of 2 seems to also keep them transparent.
  2. cl_hud_minmode 0/1
    should toggle between regular contract overlay and the transparency toggle but it might be broken after the changes. I have not tested properly yet. Fixed, works properly now.

Now you can also have different binds/aliases that besides turning transparent viewmodels on and off, they also toggle the settings they need to work (like motion blur for example).
Like this:

alias transparencyON "mat_motion_blur_enabled 1; tf_contract_progress_show 1; tf_contract_competitive_show 1"

alias transparencyOFF "mat_motion_blur_enabled 0; tf_contract_progress_show 0; tf_contract_competitive_show 0"

1. Screen gets darker when you have them on but disable viewmodels. I think this was an issue transparent viewmodels always had. Fixed by disabling transparency and viewmodels together.
2. I joined a community server and I had to spam the toggle commands 2-3 times before viewmodels turned transparent? Only happened once and on that server, they work instantly in casual and all other servers I tried. Happened again on some server, seems to be a regular issue:

komorebiSome public servers have broken all custom materials for me personally, usually ones running sourcemod to limit classes or disable capping on hightower. Someone in this thread mentioned skial badwater not working. It's possible there's some servermod that might render this ineffective, not sure.

But instead of getting stuck like that, with this toggleable method you can fix them by toggling them on and off a few times on the rare occasion that it happens.
3. They won't be transparent when you're in the menu(that includes using the console). Not exactly a bug but worth mentioning.
4. I'm pretty sure the contracker overlay doesn't work anymore, need to do some more testing. Simple fix, updated the instructions.

And that's all, if there are any issues let me know. Hope this hasn't been posted before, I searched around and couldn't find toggleable transparent viewmodels.

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Active weapon name text for disabled viewmodels in Customization
carnaticumimagine you get killed by someone who stops to read his weapon name in the middle of the fight U rly just gotta end it at that point

Thankfully it has the slot number before the weapon name for people who find it hard to read.

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Active weapon name text for disabled viewmodels in Customization

Hello! Sometimes I like playing without viewmodels so I made a little mod to show you what weapon you have active. Here's what it looks like: https://imgur.com/a/DhTRZmU
Thought I'd share in case anyone wants something like this.

It's made using this weapon-specific crosshair tutorial.
It has been done before in different ways, like using custom icons for different weapons, entire static viewmodels etc.
The problem is that some weapons share the same crosshair file and it looks a bit off sometimes. You could be using the Beggar's Bazooka for example and it would show a Rocket Launcher icon.
That's why I tried to group as many weapons as I could together. For example all rocket launchers will simply display "Rockets", all shotguns "Shotgun", mad milk, gas passer, jarate and cleaver "Throwable", all grenade launchers "Grenades" etc.

How to install it:

  1. You're gonna need the mod first, download it here. You're also gonna need a custom hud with hud crosshairs OR the default hud's hudlayout.res file and a separate hud crosshair (have not tested this option but it should work).
  2. After you download it, unzip the "ActiveWeaponText" folder in your game's custom folder. Now your crosshairs are replaced with the text but they are still in the middle of the screen.
    You should also enable hud crosshairs at this point.
  3. Now you have to change the text's position on the screen. Open your custom hud's folder and find the file "hudlayout.res", most of the time it's in hudfolder/scripts but some huds might have it somewhere else. For example the proper hudlayout.res to edit for m0rehud is in resource/default.
    Once you find it, open it with a text editor.
  4. Inside the file, find the line "HudCrosshair", it should look something like this:
    		"fieldName" "HudCrosshair"
    		"visible" "1"
    		"enabled" "1"
    		"wide"	 "640"
    		"tall"	 "480"
    Change it to:
    		"fieldName" "HudCrosshair"
    		"visible" "1"
    		"enabled" "1"
    		"xpos" "0"
    		"ypos" "0" 
    		"wide"	 "640"
    		"tall"	 "480"
  5. Edit the "xpos" and "ypos" values to your liking, for example I use "xpos" "0" and "ypos" "144" to have it in the lower middle of the screen like in the screenshots, it lines up nicely with m0rehud. You can have the text pretty much anywhere you want. You don't have to restart your game after each change, just adjust the values, save the file and reload the hud with the "hud_reloadscheme" command.
  6. Make sure the crosshair is set to "none" in options > multiplayer, or use:
     cl_crosshair_file ""
    Adjust the text size from options or with:
    20 is the sweet spot for me.

    Turn the text on/off with:
    crosshair 1/0
    You can also change the color from options or with:
  7. If you have it in the lower middle like I do, you might wanna reposition target ID's with:

No smoke scripts and customization

Since this uses the same files that the no smoke scripts use, it won't be compatible. But I did include 3 different no smoke scripts for this, just go in ActiveWeaponText/No Smoke Scripts. Simple to install, just read the readme.
If you want to use different effects check this thread and edit the mod's files accordingly.

If you want to change what certain weapons say, I did include a few extra VTFs for stuff like "L. Cannon" and "Direct Hit". Or more formal names, instead of "Rockets" theres also a file for "Rocket L.". There's also a blank file named "none" if you want a specific weapon to not show anything.

Naming scheme is pretty simple: the "1scattergun" file will show "1. Scattergun" in game, the "1sniperr" file will show "1. Sniper R.", the "1rescuerr" file will show "1. Rescue R.".

Once you pick the file you want, go to ActiveWeaponText/Scripts, open the file for the weapon you want (check here what file represents what weapon), scroll down and change

		"file"		"vgui\replay\thumbnails\whatever"

Instead of "whatever" use the right file name from ActiveWeaponText\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails.

Making your own text

If you wish to make your own text, the font is Tf2 Build, font size is 25. I used paint net with the vtf plugin and KrisVDM's Plugin Pack for shadows.
Just go to ActiveWeaponText\materials\vgui\replay\thumbnails and use none.vtf as a template and then save as a different file.
Don't forget to make a vmt file too with the same name and these settings:

	"$translucent"	1
	"$basetexture" "vgui\replay\thumbnails\whatever"
	"$vertexcolor" 1
	"$no_fullbright" 1
	"$ignorez" 1

Again, change "whatever".

And that's it, I hope someone will find this useful. Please let me know if there are any issues.

posted about 4 years ago
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