how do i change position of my killfeed for it to be lower? my killfeed overlaps player panel at the top. The problem is i tried changing one ypos at a time then tried changing two of these yposes and then typed in console hud_reloadscheme yet nothing changed. heres the code:
"fieldName" "HudDeathNotice"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r640" [$WIN32]
"ypos" "18" [$WIN32]
"xpos" "r672" [$X360]
"ypos" "35" [$X360]
"wide" "628"
"tall" "468"
"MaxDeathNotices" "4"
"IconScale" "0.35"
"LineHeight" "16"
"LineSpacing" "4"
"CornerRadius" "3"
"RightJustify" "1" // If 1, draw notices from the right
"TextFont" "Default"
"TeamBlue" "HUDBlueTeamSolid"
"TeamRed" "HUDRedTeamSolid"
"IconColor" "HudWhite"
"LocalPlayerColor" "HUDBlack"
"BaseBackgroundColor" "46 43 42 220" [$WIN32]
"LocalBackgroundColor" "245 229 196 200" [$WIN32]
"BaseBackgroundColor" "32 32 32 255" [$X360]
"LocalBackgroundColor" "0 0 0 255" [$X360]
also how to make queue for casual panel move to the right? it overlaps with my party panel