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Signed Up March 9, 2013
Last Posted June 8, 2023 at 12:31 AM
Posts 1756 (0.4 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 ⋅⋅ 115
#24 so about that quickloadout change bind... in TF2 General Discussion

the problem with this is it makes you essentially unkillable by just standing near a spawn door. shooting into the spawn is part of the game, and it makes a sniper standing in the doorway literally unkillable by anything except another sniper. anyone who pretends that anyone can press , then a number to switch classes just as fast as pressing a single loadout bind is stupid, you just can't.

its cheese and turns the entire spawn into an instant resupply cabinet, with literally no chance of being punished unless you just don't press the button

messiah thinks its cheating i don't think its on that level but it does make anyone standing near the spawn door essentially be unkillable without having to walk back to the cabinet, theres no downside. Before this was a thing people had to weigh the consequences of walking back to the resupply cabinet with how long they'd be stuck out of the fight at last. Now you instantly get fully healed and reloaded just for walking half an inch in the spawn door and the place you spawn is rarely ever farther from the door than the actual cabinet

i also feel like this is a badlands problem more than a spawn problem, just because badlands is bad

posted about 7 years ago
#219 what makes u instantly hate a player in TF2 General Discussion

someone who makes eating or mouth noises

posted about 7 years ago
#26 LFT S27 in Recruitment (looking for team)
viperid rather play 17 seasons of open than not play @ all cuz no 1 can get past my gigantic med main ego

also its only 5 seasons and 1 of those was after im and open were merged and my team was registered and paid up 4 im

but u probably dont kno how 2 count anyways considering u always have uber disad

the main fact isn't that u play nothing but open for multiple seasons in a row, its the fact that you've been at the same exact skill level literally the entire time. moving up to IM because the general skill level has lowered significantly isn't so much an accomplishment as an embarassment.

you're like a litmus test for low open players to understand when they've graduated to mid open

posted about 7 years ago
#7 KTB LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

I considered cutting myself so my team could have this man

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Hildreth voice clip in Requests

i spent about 15 minutes looking thru games on and couldn't find one, why is this so hard?

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Hildreth voice clip in Requests

can anyone link me to a video where hildreth talks? I would like to hear his voice, but he has no vods or clips on his twitch and i can't find any videos on youtube

posted about 7 years ago
#10 SOLDIERS IN MGE in The Dumpster

there is nothing quite like playing tf2 at so low of a level that you think surfing damage is a mge gimmick

posted about 7 years ago
#5 An Innocent Cop. LFT Demoman or Scout in Recruitment (looking for team)
ritanot to be rude or anything but I don't think it's reasonable to be on a high im team with no esea exp and only ugc steel

not to be rude or anything but its not really reasonable when someone with 56 seasons of open is trying to talk about other people not being experienced enough, do you think he should have to spend 7 years in open? this guy will fuck on every1 pick him up NOW

posted about 7 years ago
#3 can you have real friends online? in Off Topic

I think you can ONLY meet real friends online my dude, I've met my girlfriend online, all my closest friends, and people that are important to me.

its as real as you make it, if you think its not then they're not "real" to you, but if you feel actual connections and have actual friendships then it is. its up to you to determine

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Would you rather thread in Off Topic


would you rather not be able to read, or not be able to speak

posted about 7 years ago
#23 If b4nny had a gamer girlfriend medic... in The Dumpster

probably just get cucked again tbh

posted about 7 years ago
#32 Feminist teacher hates me in Off Topic

as someone who very frequently hates a ton of people on first contact for no reason at all, there is very little you can do to actually make her like you, just try to not make it worse and hopefully she doesn't fuck your grades because of it.

posted about 7 years ago
#2 tf is this shit in Off Topic

posted about 7 years ago
#25 Paladins? in Other Games

add me to queue competitive

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Worst nightmare you've had? in Off Topic

It starts out with me hiding under my bed sheets. I'm scared and I don't know why

I peek out from the cover and theres a tall, lanky pure white person standing there but they look wrong, they're far too skinny and they don't have correctly proportioned limbs

it slowly reaches out for me, and i slap its hand away, and run

out in the hallway of my bedroom theres more of them, covering the staircase and climbing up to get me

i look out the window and theres millions, all of them filling the streets, slowly lumbering at me

i run into the guest room and hide, and when i look up they're all standing there

they rip their jaws open and blood pours out, they grab my limbs and stretch me out

the ones not holding me slowly start to eat me, starting at my feet

i wake up when they get to my eyes

posted about 7 years ago
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