RentQNIf you allow weapons that use game mechanics the other weapons don't use then yes, it does add something to the game mechanically.
Cow mangler, same mechanics, is played the same way that stock, appart from a few gimmicks like the charged shot that is really irritating to play against. Looks horrible. Takes away ammo management making roamer rotation sometimes inexistant, gives perma spam... It doesn't add any skilled mechanics, play with words if you want, but it's not variety if it doesn't change the way you would abord a fight. Plus I'd rather have a game orientated towards how poeple play individually and has a team rather that "what weapon you choose at the beginning of a round" like in ow...
RentQNI think asking to ban stuff, to take away options, without any good reason other than you don't see why we need them is pretty stupid.
More options to choose from is always better than less options if there isn't any real reason to not have certain options.
You said it yourself, if it doesn't add anything positive to the game but has a negative effect or is annyoing to play against, why not ban it. I was talking more about the fact that I've seen people not wanting to ban stuff on the mere fact that they weren't blantantly overpowered and game breaking, even if they were unfun to play against.
I'm not even complaining, I'm just criticizing the approach of certain players supposed to be quite experienced regarding the whitelist...
LegendaryRQABecause that's not how basically every other E-Sport works. In dota, you don't get to remove Eye of Skadi because its "unfun to play against".
TF2 had unlocks implemented for pub plays, it wasn't an esport until the community decided it would be one, and I'm sorry but if you think weapons like the eyelander, the sandman or the base jumper have a place in an esport I can't do anything for you...