We havent decided on a team name because we are all gigantic sleep deprived jesus loving trash can huggers. Cloridiums face is literally a book. Soapy is a 12 year old foreign kid who parents wont let him play so he ninjas a computer to play tf2 and is in love with ass burgers. Tank is the sissy sassy anime lover, weaboo skunk. Manas Korean, and snark is just high 24/7.
Anywho we need a dedicated backup scout. Someone whos on lots because hes going to get to play roughly 2 full nights a week and possibly some esea matches.
If we use any one of our backups for an esea match i dont expect them to pay a penny. I will handle the cash because its not fair to ask a backup to pay for 1-2 matches.
Something we do: