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Signed Up June 30, 2013
Last Posted July 18, 2024 at 2:54 PM
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#23 Philly LAN 2024 (20-21 July 2024) in LAN Discussion

Pre LAN thoughts and predictions: This is the closest LAN we've had in a while and I think FROYO, G6, and wG all have good chances of winning.

I think wG's win cons are branslam and skeez. IMO I think branslam is the best scout coming into this lan statistically. He has insane damage output and frag potential, but might have trouble replicating that at LAN. Skeez has also been playing really well this season, but has had glimpses of his old self where he would get two rocketed or dropped by anything that comes his way. If wG is able to reduce those skeez deaths and branslam plays how he does online then they'll have a good chance of making the finals.

G6 lost kobe and replaced him with marmaloo. Although marm is really good, I think part of what made G6 who they were was because of kobe. Kobe's ability to direct and hit insane rockets on anyone would clutch out a lot of team fights that they wouldn't have won otherwise. Botmode also hasn't been in form for most of the season and tends to just die LOL, but I think he'll do better on LAN. Soapy is also the best soldier coming into this LAN IMO, so I'd keep an eye out for him too. They also have this thing where botmode and soapy will just kill your medic in front of 5 people and or logan will walk in a straight line and 2 pipe someone, so watch out for that!

GC has played extremely close matches against the other top 3 teams this season, even beating froyo on granary. However, I don't think they will be able to replicate that level of performance on LAN. I'm a big fan of doge and loafe but I think the other three teams are just too strong. Maybe if this was online, I'd give them a chance to upset. I'm still going to root for them though and think they have the ability to take a map off of anyone.

This is the most locked in I've seen b4nny and habib in a long time. I think they've learned their lessons from the last RGL and Philly LAN where they tried to win based off of talent alone. I think this season they've had struggles playing to their strengths and tried replicating playstyles of past iterations of froyo which often lead them to throwing a lot of rounds. Their biggest problem is keeping the mumble atmosphere calm and their comms clear. If they are able to move on fast after making a mistake during the game and play like how they discuss in their review sessions, then I have them winning the whole thing. I'll always have faith in habib and b4nny to perform, so I'm looking at the new gen members in yight, gungon, sax, and hub to step up.

Overall, I have
1. Froyo
2. wG
3. G6
4. GC

But like I said before, I would not be surprised if anyone in the top three wins LAN!

posted 5 months ago
#15 why everyone considers arekk so good? in TF2 General Discussion

wow thanks everyone, you guys made me feel so appreciated :')

posted about a year ago
#33 arekk hud in Customization
shmerpshey arekk i use your hud but because I play on a large monitor the health and ammo sizes are small. how can I make them larger? thanks!

go into resource/ui, open up hudammoweapons.res and hudplayerhealth.res and just change "Product47" to something like "Product70"

keep changing the number until you get something u like

posted about 4 years ago
#3 black swan swoop into RGL Season 3 in News

has it really been 5 seasons? damn, welcome back everyone

posted about 4 years ago
#13 Where can i get arekk's config ? in TF2 General Discussion
t4viHelp pls ;p

sorry i took out the links because they were outdated and i was too lazy to reupload.
heres the new link

posted about 4 years ago
#3 happy birthday freestate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in Off Topic

happy bday frankstate miss u buddy

posted about 4 years ago
#7 TF2 Player Jeopardy in TF2 General Discussion

I knew I should've consulted the tf2 historian

posted about 5 years ago
#2 TF2 Player Jeopardy in TF2 General Discussion

Aight man a thread is a little bit too much

posted about 5 years ago
#27 jayhyunpae AMA in TF2 General Discussion

these are important questions we need answers to

posted about 5 years ago
#23 jayhyunpae AMA in TF2 General Discussion

how the fuck do you play with a 1 inch/360

posted about 5 years ago
#52 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion

irl stream on your phone botmode!

posted about 5 years ago
#42 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion

favorite players to play with (team or pug) ;)

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Question for good players in Q/A Help

watch streams of good players especially when they scrim

posted about 5 years ago
#27 arekk hud in Customization

shieeeeet. I fixed it, redownload the hud

posted about 5 years ago
#25 arekk hud in Customization
fiestaI can't see what type of medigun my medic is wearing, there are only uber percentage. How to fix it?

Go into chat_english and delete
"TF_playerid_mediccharge" "%s1%"
"TF_playerid_mediccharge_wpn" "%s1%"

now that I think about it, im just going to remove this from the hud

posted about 5 years ago
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