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SteamID64 76561198017747506
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Country Canada
Signed Up June 10, 2014
Last Posted December 5, 2015 at 4:42 AM
Posts 16 (0 per day)
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#10 delete lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

She says a lot of mean things and threatened to cut me because of my ethnicity but overall a really good med

Just remember to mute her

posted about 9 years ago
#76 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic's_Rage!_Coverart.png


posted about 9 years ago
#200 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

The game will have Cross Platform matchmaking, i wonder how they are gonna tackle Keyboard and Mouse players going against controller players.

If they add any sort of crutch for console players the game will be a lot worse for it.

They already had aim assist if you were using a controller, but they removed it from the PC version because people were exploiting software/external hardware to enable aim assist on mouse. Probably will be using the same aim assist for consoles.

posted about 9 years ago
#33 TF2 Players feared in Overwatch xD in Other Games
riot124also JimiJam junkrat airpogo.IS THERE A VIDEO OF THIS?

posted about 9 years ago
#91 Overwatch, who got in? in Other Games

Next wave of invites have been sent out.

posted about 9 years ago
#50 LFT Scruff High Open Scout S20 in Recruitment (looking for team)

I love scruff!!

posted about 9 years ago
#1 arty scout LFT open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey this is a bit last minute but I'm looking this season. For the last two I seasons I played for Guitar Heroes (9-7 and 8-8) in Open, but now that the team is taking a break to deal with college stuff, and with things not working out with another team, it's time again to start looking. I'm looking to play as a starter scout for a mid-open team or higher but if teams are too filled up this late into registration I won't mind backing up.

ESEA profile:
Steam profile:

idk what else to put here

posted about 9 years ago
#16 make money from home? in Off Topic

When I took a UI course last year, we focused a bit on human computation, particularly looking at Amazon Mechanical Turk. You get paid to do simple labour tasks like "Compare two results of a product search side by side and judge which one is better" and "Type the text carefully" aka extract the text from an image. Basically you're doing simple labour tasks that companies crowdsource out. It doesn't pay that much (article says around $1 to $2 an hour), but I can't imagine it being worse than filling out surveys.

posted about 9 years ago
#12 TF2 update for 2/11/15 (2/12/15 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Hopefully they thought about being able to hide medibeam and/or flamethrower particles with the new valid values of viewmodel_fov/cvar.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 esea-i anal in TF2 General Discussion

Sometimes the sidebar or something on Twitch's end messes up and the title just randomly disappears from the sidebar. The stream title looks to be unchanged.

posted about 10 years ago
#56 TF2 update for 1/27/15 in TF2 General Discussion

Had this happen in DM, MGE, a Valve pub and also in an ESEA match. I don't know if I'm just unlucky but after it happening once it seems to occur again shortly after (after using record to try and fix it); couldn't play DM or MGE for 2 minutes afterwards without it happening.

Also using Comanglia's config and parts of the Clean TF2 vpks if that's useful.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 144hz to non-dvi in Hardware

See if your laptop has a mini displayport. After a bit of research I finally got 144 Hz to work on my Asus g46vw via a displayport to mini-DP cable.

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Lenovo y50? in Hardware

I can attest to the screen. My brother and sister both have variants of the y50 (one has an i7 and the other an i5), and on both the colours aren't that great. However, in terms of gaming, it seems to be one of the best for the price (at least in Canada I couldn't really find something similar in stock).

posted about 10 years ago
#15 PS1/PS2 games in Other Games

For PS1: Spyro 1-3
For PS2: Okami

posted about 10 years ago
#22 Google confirmed to buy Twitch in Off Topic

Google has a lot of resources, so I'm hoping that quality options finally become available to all streams again regardless of viewer count. That would certainly help games that don't get viewed as often.

posted about 10 years ago