Account Details
SteamID64 76561198039197206
SteamID3 [U:1:78931478]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:39465739
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up March 9, 2013
Last Posted July 23, 2016 at 3:22 PM
Posts 7 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
1920 x 950 in game
Refresh Rate
120Hz w/ lightboost
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK1
Keyboard Quickfire TK
Mousepad Steelseries Qck Mass
Headphones Steelseries Siberia V2
Monitor BENq XL2411T
#26 i58: Who's staying where? in LAN Discussion

Travelodge Birmingham Airport - asa, Pete, Carlotso, Pling, vclox, pe4ce, chef, porky

i'll make a whatsapp chat for sharing taxis a few days before the event, message me on steam if you want in

posted about 8 years ago
#195 medHUD in Customization

pls fix for meet your match update? :-) :-)

posted about 8 years ago
#21 ETF2L S24 W2: PC MASTER RACE vs. Perilous Gaming in Matches

this is for u, tobs friend :-) :-)

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Top 10 Teams, Trailer & Maps - Challengers Cup hosted by in News

999: Gamsjaga eSports :

average team with way too many english players, highlander enthusiasts, and damneasy. Pretty much just SteveyJJ and his mid-quality whipping bitches. Nobody can understand damneasy's mumbling, scissors just farms assists across the map, krafty is obviously only in the team as a requirement of his parole, asa is some disgusting man-child who has to be babysat by the others on weekday evenings, and poor f2 just wants to escape but is too nice to leave. They only did well last season because they abused the swiss system, they lost all credibility when Pete moved to sub, and nobody knows what a Gamsjaga is anyway.

Looking forwards to skipping dinner to get rolled by the polskis tomorrow evening.

posted about 9 years ago
#163 medHUD in Customization
Intellectualso the transparency value for the backgrounds of the red and blue side are in scoreboard.res are bluescorebg and redscorebg near the top. the fourth number after "fillcolor" has a max of 255 and a min of 0. try any value in between that you please.

Changed it, thanks

Intellectualedit: i don't see anything wrong with the spy bars? does anyone else have this issue?

A friend of mine who installed the hud yesterday has it too. Do you need to know any system / config settings? We both use dx8 at resolutions that aren't 1920x1080.

posted about 9 years ago
#160 medHUD in Customization

The only problem I have, and it existed before the Gun Mettle update, is when playing spy the invis watch bar on the hud doesn't drop below ~98% full. I can have half my cloak left, but the bar will show it as almost full. It makes using the DR almost impossible because you cant tell how much cloak is in it until it's full. Also using 2 rechargable secondary weapons like sandman and cleaver was used to be broken, but that seems to be working again now.

Also if you could point me to where I can adjust the alpha level of the scoreboard background that would be super, the smaller scoreboard is one of my favourite things about the hud because when playing HL I have my scoreboard up like 25% of the time, but i would love it if the background was semi-transparent.

Thank you for making and maintaining the hud, I always tell people about it when I get the chance because it's had such a positive impact on my game. We all appreciate your work! :-)

posted about 9 years ago
#151 medHUD in Customization

pls get back into maintaining the hud Intellectual, this is my crutch :(

posted about 9 years ago