I assume this guide was made by you, right?
Why does it not mention once that 2+ packets in the buffer are necessary for hitscan, and 1+ for projectiles? Instead, you give your settings in terms of "hitreg"? How about something like "Use cl_interp_ratio > 2 for hitscan classes, use cl_interp_ratio > 1 for projectile classes"
> there are "perfect settings" that while not actually perfect do generally serve well for their purpose.
...I guess you've been busy yelling at yourself for giving out "reasonable" values in between the time spent writing posts directed at me?
> you're trying to do two contradictory things at once: Provide a useful config, and get people to tailor their settings to their specific needs
Those are mutually exclusive? Is the idea of them downloading my useful config and then tailoring it to their needs so strange?
> if someone would bother to change their cl_interp to match their jitter on a particular server, they would understand to change any settings that get in the way.
The idea of having all relevant network settings in one config with explanations is strange to you, too? If they bothered to change cl_interp, don't you think there's a slight chance they knew what to set it to thanks to my config??
> Getting people to tailor their settings to each last server they go to is so obviously useless
Talk about beating a dead strawman. Knock it off already. It's not insane or ignorant or whatever you want to call me to say that there's a reasonable jitter amount that is 99th percentile for all servers in your region. Jitter is so wildly unpredictable that you can never set an upper bound and be confident it'll 99% of the time never exceed that? I'm tired of explaining this one.
> At the end of the day, all you can do is provide a common config, where you just end up with cl_interp_ratio 2.2 (for hitscan) again.
And I have! Isn't that great? Here's the link again: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/athairus/tf2-network-cfg/master/network.cfg
> cmdrate 66
> updaterate 66
> interp 0.033
> interp_ratio 2.2
> glhf
Something something what if jitter was higher than .2 / 66 something something
Something something bad advice one size fits all NOT something something.
Something something as long as athairus isn't the one who suggests it it's cool something something.