Insomnia 52 Tournament Schedule
This is the problem. I don't think we can really say to Multiplay, "hey we're a bigger deal than the games on later than us, bump 'em". It's selfish to discommode other games with their own plans for our ends.
The options as I see it are:
a) Move the Grand Final to Saturday night, in the time slot of the Semi Final (2130h) and squeeze the tournament schedule to allow for that. This makes Sunday the time for wound-licking, post mortem talkshows, and tying up any other loose ends. It severely reduces the sustained length of hype time. Multiplay may not be prepared to let us have the main stage on Saturday (assuming the semi final is schedule to be played in the gaming halls).
b) Move the Grand Final to late late Sunday night (12 AM). We get longer to prepare, more build up, and more residual spectators from previous games. We also get a palatable time for "most" international viewers. However, this goes beyond the scheduled time of the tournament and may simply be infeasible from a logistics standpoint in terms of Multiplay having to pay event staff for over-time and keeping the venue open for longer.
Neither option looks probable right now. So it goes.