yeah man, badmo TV for exclusive broadcast rights!
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198024475237 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:64209509] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:32104754 |
Country | Ireland |
Signed Up | July 23, 2012 |
Last Posted | December 2, 2015 at 3:48 PM |
Posts | 1585 (0.3 per day) |
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Raw Input | 1 |
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Monitor |
Add Ruwin for some lighting tips
Also here is my program for binding players to keys. You'll need the actual server IP to enter into the program.
Broder strategy session with the great Mirelin swedish sissy conspiracy
keekerdcThere's definitely a trend with the designs of final points where the layout is cramped and there's typically only two points of entry
Is this really the case? The only map in play that I can think of where this applies besides Badlands is Gullywash. It is not so for Granary, Process, Snakewater or Metalworks.
Vods from the official against Kaidus Team
Map 1
Map 2
unfortunately some pauses messed up the comms for a few minutes each map I dunno if my teammate sounding like Super Mario is worthy of a highlight
this is a mode called gg200, it is played 2v2 or 3v3 on cp_orange with low grav, direct hit, gunboats, paintrain. We did bo3 with respawn time of 10s and the match took forever...
More gg200 moments here
Oblivionagehooray. what convinced valve to update interp 3 or 4 times to our liking?
definitely me crying about it on the mailing list
I saw faruton (the dev) talking about it, but haven't given it a shot yet.
My order has updated to Processing which means I should have it #soon.
petition for americans to have to use american flags to avoid insult to glorious european union
toothI've heard some people who have the same mic who sound like they're in a fishbowl because they use some awful built in motherboard audio.
To clarify, this happens because of noise reduction. The gain provided by integrated audio is not very clean so the signal becomes noisy. The noise reduction removes certain frequencies but also colours the sound somewhat. You can alter this by disabling sound processing in the recording devices control panel.
The mic audio may end up sounding less "bowl"-like but will probably have some hiss instead.
I would also not recommend using the front panel as the line from your mobo through your case to the front will pick up further interference and degrade audio quality. It was just easiest for me to reach for this example.
use headphones