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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted December 2, 2015 at 3:48 PM
Posts 1585 (0.3 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ⋅⋅ 105
#12 TF.TV EU Cast: Playoffs Round 1 Broder vs BFF in TF2 General Discussion
huhyViewership Stats:

Interesting fact: since HotS (the New SC2 expansion) was released 48hrs ago, TF2 has had a higher average viewership that WoL (the previous expansion) quite consistently.

tl;dr: TF2 has more viewers than SC2.

Yeah right "huhy" :D

posted about 11 years ago
#184 i49 in TF2 General Discussion

So... what's going on? I feel that the clandestine nature of the extv arrangement last time harmed things in terms of momentum since people didn't know what the plan was until quite late. There are plenty of people clearly showing in this thread that there is money for the taking. Strike while the iron's hot and all that.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Tell ESL to bring back TF2! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#8 TF.TV EU Cast: Playoffs Round 1 Broder vs BFF in TF2 General Discussion
lamefxatmolamefxatmoHey, you're in control of the /r/tf2 banner right? Could you make it link to reddit threads instead of external site links if possible? It encourages discussion more through easy commenting and it looks less spammy.
already do this and todays post is also linked
was a tftv link this morning

look at the time of the reddit post and think about when morning was for you. it was a tftv link before because that header has been there since the last cast and the tftv link was the only place with info on this match.

Just trying to help.

PS I'm a postgrad, my morning and yours are probably the same.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 TF.TV EU Cast: Playoffs Round 1 Broder vs BFF in TF2 General Discussion
lamefxatmoHey, you're in control of the /r/tf2 banner right? Could you make it link to reddit threads instead of external site links if possible? It encourages discussion more through easy commenting and it looks less spammy.
already do this and todays post is also linked

was a tftv link this morning

posted about 11 years ago
#2 TF.TV EU Cast: Playoffs Round 1 Broder vs BFF in TF2 General Discussion

Hey, you're in control of the /r/tf2 banner right? Could you make it link to reddit threads instead of external site links if possible? It encourages discussion more through easy commenting and it looks less spammy.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Another bhop vid in Off Topic

Record a demo with this please --

posted about 11 years ago
#124 recent purchases thread in Off Topic

Some upgraded earpads for my headphones

J$ beyers.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Recording etc in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

You need to take the WAV file that was output with the TGAs and set it as the audio source (Audio > From File) and then change the video frame rate to match the length of the audio (Video > Frame Rate)

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Charity - Player Signups + Schedule in TF2 General Discussion

Looks like a lot of work - good luck!

posted about 11 years ago
#50 New Mic/Headset Advice in Hardware

It's true. Microphone placement plays a HUGE part in sound quality and you can't really beat the modmic for that.

My setup, for comparison.

Different sound signature, but I wouldn't say better.

Additionally, there's also the impact that your soundcard has. Listen to Admirable on this interview and realize that he's using a modmic as well

So there are several factors beyond just the microphone itself, and you should fiddle with them to see what gives you the best results.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 New Mic/Headset Advice in Hardware

AD700s have decent bass impact with amplification, but a lot of people don't seem to know that since they have such an "easy to drive" reputation.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 New Mic/Headset Advice in Hardware
RenhetatmoDid you choose the Carcharias yourself, or was the gift unguided?I chose it myself and I don't regret it. What are you getting at here? Are you just trying to be an elitist wiener garbler or what? OP wants suggestions, people are contributing with products they have tried and liked.

My stuff has never broken because of something I did. If you treat things well, they'll last and and work well worth your money. I play better than a lot of people with my Deathadder and Carcharias, and Steelseries mousepad. All three were gifts from people who know computers and video games, by the way. I trust them not to give me garbage.

Just to clarify, my pointed comment was towards gaming gear/peripheral companies' forays into audio only (although there's something to be said for their attempts at keyboard too). I can't fault your choice of mouse or mousepad.

There's no need to be homophobic by the way.

@Flutter - depends on your use. If it's solely for gaming, best to get a Creative card with CMSS-3D. I think the Titanium HD is the mainstay. If you have multiple uses (music and videos too) then you're probably better served by an external (USB) DAC/amp like Behringer 202, FiiO E17, Aune T1, Objective-2/ODAC, Schiit Magni/Modi.

Some good resources:

posted about 11 years ago
#25 New Mic/Headset Advice in Hardware

Did you choose the Carcharias yourself, or was the gift unguided?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 New Mic/Headset Advice in Hardware

I bet it sounds great too!

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ⋅⋅ 105