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Signed Up July 23, 2012
Last Posted December 2, 2015 at 3:48 PM
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#327 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion
DrIcePhDEmilioEstevezPapaSmurf323are you dense?
you need to have proprietary software to have a good anticheat

Hiding what you're doing is one of the worst ways to write secure software. You are just hoping your software is secure/doing what you intend because people don't know how it does it, rather than it actually being well written.

There's an entire wikipedia page on it, but you tried.

Did you read the article? It supports his statement.

The United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) specifically recommends against security through obscurity in more than one document. Quoting from one, "System security should not depend on the secrecy of the implementation or its components."
posted about 11 years ago
#226 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion
skyrideRikachudo you mean we should not go to etf2l? and instead go to cevo?
I'm suggesting you stay with ESEA. Trust me if you think the level of response from ETF2L admins in this thread is even remotely indicative of their day-to-day league running, you've got another thing coming.

ETF2L was a brilliant website and idea that was created in the first few months of TF2's lifespan, which has been passed down along a line of increasingly less competent admins. They've never seen providing any kind of esports element to the game as a goal. Ever since the original German consortium that created it left, it's leadership for any given year has been completely content with providing nothing more than an above average free league with no promotion or hype.

Regardless of the transgressions you feel ESEA has visited on the community in the past, the overall experience you will get with any league will be inferior in every aspect. Dropping support for ESEA is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

skyride I think you have been out of the scene too long to be making judgements like this. Based on people's experiences of ESEA this season, what you are describing of ETF2L sounds like a straight upgrade.

posted about 11 years ago
#53 Two Cities in TF2 General Discussion

All of this is MvM only I think. The update splash page has the MvM logo in the top left corner.

posted about 11 years ago
#324 meatshot 8) vol. 5 in TF2 General Discussion

Those cheat developers seem like nice people. :(

posted about 11 years ago
#143 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

~40000 competitive players in Europe? Would like to know how many of those have played in more than one match though.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 ETF2L Premiership: willy wonkas chocolate factory vs. Tea See Emm (Pre-Playoff Playoff) in Events

ipz ho ho

posted about 11 years ago
#77 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion

Could somebody with Valve's ear ( eXtine, Sal ... ?) ask Valve for advice as to how they would like us to proceed? Whatever Valve may say does not necessarily have to be followed, but it would be nice to know their thoughts, especially given a clean start with a break from ESEA.

posted about 11 years ago
#138 ETF2L North American Division in TF2 General Discussion
TLR1 server currently

ETF2L official matches are played on the teams' servers (using the ETF2L match cfg), not a league supplied one.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Podcasts in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#48 Ippz casting? in TF2 General Discussion

Capslockedtf: ipz kinda sounds like a 13 year old boy xD

posted about 11 years ago
#21 Ippz casting? in TF2 General Discussion

Why did you not speak up, Slin? From the hoarseness of Admirable's voice it seemed that he didn't quite have the energy to stem ipz's tirades.

I enjoyed most of the cast because it's interesting to hear the perspective of one of the most well-researched players in the game. The swearing, homophobia, and sidetracking on personal vendettas could definitely be left out though.

posted about 11 years ago
#196 cp_sunshine (5CP) in Map Discussion

There are too many props at last in my opinion, it feels like an obstacle course. You can have lots of props on a large last (granary) but on a small last (gullywash) where movement is already restricted by the room geometry it feels cluttered and awkward to move about.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 tips on staying calm? in Q/A Help

Epsilon are playing Willy Wonka's Nerds tonight, how am I supposed to stay calm ahead of that?

posted about 11 years ago
#102 TF2 Quotations thread in TF2 General Discussion

"I'm ill" smzi
"you're ill because you're too real" 2nuts

posted about 11 years ago
#18 NEW GRIPS in Off Topic

hit hit hit

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 ⋅⋅ 105