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Last Posted January 3, 2015 at 4:03 PM
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#1 All the love from us at The Gaming Center! in TF2 General Discussion

Hi guys Pete here,

We just had our first ever TF2 meetup at our LAN center in the Boston area. It was fantastic! Met some really awesome people and had a blast.

10 people showed up and we all jumped into a lan server and started goofing around, I learned a whole lot about the game and I am hoping we can host another one of these at the end of this month!

My favorite part from the whole event was having the guys jump on the Oculus rift and try to rocket jump around the tf2 maps, it was hilarious.

One question: When we schedule our next TF2 meetup what would be the best day for you guys?

Thanks again guys, shout out to Papasmurf, Deer, Cage, Shun and everyone else who showed up!


posted about 10 years ago
#24 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion

Hi guys! The meetup is in a few days hope to see you guys there! Any questions dont hesitate to message me!

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion

Hi guys im just bumping the tread because the meetup will be upon us in a week or so! I hope to see some of you there!

posted about 10 years ago
#18 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion
PapaSmurf323its a local event. its not supposed to be a large event. If you are not from around the area its not worth it to come. This is how you build local communities though. Show up and support the local players from around the area and help each other get better.

This is the correct answer, its not worth driving far to come, especially for the first event, its going to be very relaxed.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion
lucrativedecember 30th is literally the worst possible date to have a LAN holy

No lan just a meetup for people to come by meet some people from the area and such

ELAlucrativedecember 30th is literally the worst possible date to have a LAN holyThat's probably why he's not actually having a LAN.avglPeteBut until then we are going to be hosting some TF2 gaming nights!
I wish I wasn't out of town for this :(

Defiantly come for the next one!

posted about 10 years ago
#10 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion
cage-why tuesday night

I was thinking its the Monday after Christmas, most people will be on vacation, relaxing at home with there new toys but not much to do! So we could host the first one then. Next one we will be more accommodating for jobs/school and try to get it on a weekend or Friday night. That is 100% open to discussion.


posted about 10 years ago
#7 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion
Tommunistoh oh oh something thats on in boston when i'm there.

can i add you (on steam) to ask some questions avglPete?

absolutely =]

posted about 10 years ago
#5 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion
PapaSmurf323Anyone who plays quake should also stop by Tuesday, December 16 for the Quake Event they are having.


YES I am so excited for it I cant wait!!!

posted about 10 years ago
#3 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion
DeerI could definitely make it if I don't have work.

I tried to give about a months notice =] we would love to have you! If there is a better day that you would like to suggest for the next one we are defiantly open to seeing whats best for everyone!


posted about 10 years ago
#1 Tf2 LAN meetup in Boston! in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone Pete here,

Last week I posted in the forums to find interest in a LAN tournament in Boston, we had so many awesome responses from people that we are (hopefully) going to be getting the wheels in motion for that. But until then we are going to be hosting some TF2 gaming nights!

The first one will be on December 30th, from 6 pm to 11 pm at our LAN center in Newton, MA

We have 10 gaming computers setup in soundproof booths, (I know most games are 6v6 but because this is a meetup I doubt everyone will be playing with each other) and room for 6 BYOC computers.

Here is a picture of one side


We hope you local TF2 players can make it down! If all goes well we hope to host these at least once a month. There will be a raffle at the end of the night for a prize (that we haven't decided).

Heres the link to the Facebook / Meetup event pages :

If you have any questions please feel free at ask me at:

or just as in this thread ill try to get to everyone!

Thanks for your time,

posted about 10 years ago
#66 $ 2,000 Boston LAN interest? in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone I just wanted to clarify that we have a small lan center so this would be not a BYOC event it would be a tournament setup where teams would come play there games then switch off.

updated the main post!

I hope you guys are still interested!

posted about 10 years ago
#60 $ 2,000 Boston LAN interest? in TF2 General Discussion
atmoJudging from the website, you have 10 PCs in your LAN centre. TF2 is played with 12 people, can you accommodate that?

I think that we could work it out where 6 computers could fit in the booths, but again this is a pretty early discussion about the lan. Im in touch with some of the people from GXL and im going to get the ball rolling seeing as how there is so much interest!

posted about 10 years ago
#1 $ 2,000 Boston LAN interest? in TF2 General Discussion

Hello everyone!

My name is Pete I work for a LAN center in Newton MA. I took a trip to Philly to attend the Counter-strike LAN finals that was being held at the GXL Universe 2014 LAN. While I was there I saw an overwhelmingly large amount of tf2 gamers, I was able to sit down and watch how the game was played and see all the passionate fans.

We are thinking about hosting a TF2 LAN and im putting out the feelers to see how many people might be interested in it. It would probably consist of a 2,000 prize pool (depending on how many teams)

So my question to you, is there enough interest in the area for us to start setting this thing up?!

Thanks for your time,

American Video Game League

edit: Hello everyone I just wanted to clarify that we have a small lan center so this would be not a BYOC event it would be a tournament setup where teams would come play there games then switch off.

posted about 10 years ago