This is my first time posting here, so forgive me if I make any mistakes or post in the wrong place.
I recently wanted to dip my toes into what highlander is all about and I figured I would just fix the bots to give me an inkling of an idea of what it'd be like whenever I had time from work.
I use this config:
sv\_cheats 1;
tf\_bot\_kick "all";
sv\_gravity 800;
sv\_allow\_wait\_command 0;
sv\_turbophysics 1;
mp\_restartgame 5;
mp\_highlander 1;
mp\_autoteambalance 0;
mp\_disable\_respawn\_times 0;
mp\_falldamage 1;
mp\_footsteps 1;
mp\_friendlyfire 0;
mp\_respawnwavetime 10;
tf\_forced\_holiday 0;
tf\_spells\_enabled 0;
tf\_player\_spell\_drop\_on\_death\_rate 0;
tf\_clamp\_airducks 1;
tf\_bot\_difficulty 3;
tf\_bot\_keep\_class\_after\_death 1;
tf\_bot\_reevaluate\_class\_in\_spawnroom 0;
tf\_bot\_taunt\_victim\_chance 0;
tf\_bot\_join\_after\_player 1;
tf\_weapon\_criticals 0;
tf\_weapon\_criticals\_melee 0;
tf\_damage\_disablespread 1
tf\_use\_fixed\_weaponspreads 1;
tf\_bot\_quota\_mode "fill";
tf\_bot\_quota 18;
sm\_cvar tf\_bot\_spawn\_use\_preset\_roster 0;
sv\_cheats 0;
However whenever I run it, no spy or sniper bots spawn on either team. Please let me know if I balls'd it and perhaps how I could fix it. I know I cannot get a full highlander experience from bots, but I just think it'd be fun and something I can run in my own time.