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SteamID64 76561198861642155
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Country United States
Signed Up March 10, 2019
Last Posted April 3, 2019 at 9:23 AM
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#1 Weird freeze randomly while playing in Q/A Help

I have been getting this weird problem. Here is the "thing" I got using the 'developer 4' command when it freezes.
Unhandled GameEvent in ClientModeShared::FireGameEvent - client_disconnect
0:Stopped sound ui\buttonclickrelease.wav
1:Stopped sound player\footsteps\wood4.wav
2:Stopped sound player\footsteps\concrete3.wav
3:Stopped sound player\footsteps\concrete3.wav
4:Stopped sound player\footsteps\concrete1.wav
7:Stopped sound vo\scout_painsharp06.mp3
8:Stopped sound player\footsteps\concrete2.wav
10:Stopped sound player\footsteps\concrete2.wav
13:Stopped sound )weapons\bow_shoot.wav
14:Stopped sound physics\metal\metal_box_scrape_rough_loop1.wav
TODO: Refusing to discard 314566 bytes
Queued Material System: DISABLED!
Unhandled GameEvent in ClientModeShared::FireGameEvent - client_disconnect
TODO: Refusing to discard 314566 bytes

If anyone can help me, please do.
This problem happens with EVERY SINGLE fps config I use.
Please add me on discord if you found the fix since I wont really be active on this site.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Frame drops after searching for servers in Q/A Help

im having this stupid problem too
probably just our crappy setups
but u can try reinstalling tf2
it kinda worked for me (atleast for 2 days)

posted about 6 years ago