Hello tf.tv
After working on this for quite some time now, i finally feel comfortable enough showing it to the world.
BastHUD is a modified version of Hudas Iscariote, but grew into it's own entity over time.
Please grant me as much feedback as possible, positive or negative, as long as you tell me why.
bastHUD only works in 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9
Lastest Update:
-Changed the Main Menu, Stats-summary Panel and the Winpanel to fit the HUD better.
-Reworked the entire backpack.
-Redesigned the Scoreboard, also in minmode.
-Fixed glitches including the targetID and the spectator HUD.
-Added the crosshair .png file and fixed the UNKOWN-bug.
Some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/ab4rn
Downloadlink: https://github.com/basbanaan/bastHUD/tree/master
Steamgroup: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/bastHUD
huds.tf: http://huds.tf/basthud/
If you were to notice any bugs/have any suggestions, feel free to join the steamgroup or add me.
Thanks for reading, b4stian