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Signed Up April 7, 2014
Last Posted March 14, 2016 at 2:56 PM
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#37 bastHUD in Customization
ghettois it possible to get rid of the boxes in the overheal and low health so you just see the numbers?
wait im retarded isnt it healthbgimage in hudhealthaccount.res?

I don't know why you would want to get rid of them since they're part of the hud, but you can go to hudplayerhealth.res and hudammoweapons.res and delete them.

posted about 10 years ago
#36 bastHUD in Customization
_Kermitb4stianBigaNo marked for death icon.Yes i noticed that myself, i have no experience with it though, i've been doing some research on it and apparently it's controlled in a really akward spot... I'm working on it, no worries ^^
If you don't use a health cross it's really easy to position the icons themselves. You set the cross itself to visible 0 and use the xpos from that to position the icons. The ypos can be from the icons themselves or the healthicon.

Thanks sir, i'll try working something out with that marked for death icon.

posted about 10 years ago
#32 bastHUD in Customization
BigaNo marked for death icon.

Yes i noticed that myself, i have no experience with it though, i've been doing some research on it and apparently it's controlled in a really akward spot... I'm working on it, no worries ^^

posted about 10 years ago
#28 bastHUD in Customization
Chrom3w0lfb4stianChrom3w0lfb4stianBastHUD only works in 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9It doesnt actually work in 16:10It does not? My resolution is 1280x800, it works perfectly on there.i use 1680x1050 and a lot of things are off center

Could you be more specific please? What is off center/bugged?

posted about 10 years ago
#27 bastHUD in Customization
SeransYes, that is exactly what i wanted. Thanks, great job!

Glad that i made something you like, some people don't seem to like it, as long as i can make some people happy with it :)

posted about 10 years ago
#24 bastHUD in Customization
Chrom3w0lfb4stianBastHUD only works in 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9It doesnt actually work in 16:10

It does not? My resolution is 1280x800, it works perfectly on there.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 bastHUD in Customization

bastHUD 1.1

It contains the following changes:

-Fixed problems with the 3d class character
-Added the taunt menu (Thanks Johny, you cutie)

Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/ab4rn
Downloadlink: https://github.com/basbanaan/bastHUD/tree/master

Have fun with it, b4stian

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Australian Prem Round Table Discussion in Events
MR_SLINQ1: What will Australia do once Team Immunity dies after i52?

Slin, you caused a proper Australian riot, what now?

posted about 10 years ago
#18 bastHUD in Customization
Polarrrrthe main menu looks fucking amazing. love it.

I was actually considering keeping the massive 'Hudas Iscariote' logo but i wanted to work away from that so i tried changing it, glad you like it sir ^^

posted about 10 years ago
#17 bastHUD in Customization
DeXtb4stianLinKr_You should put this on githubIt doesn't really have a point uploading it to github, if people really want me to, sure.It makes it easier for you if its on GitHub :P But it also makes it easier for us so we can download one file if we fuck something up editing it :P
Great HUD :D I loved HUDAS but going to use this for a while

Thanks for all the feedback, means a lot to me!

posted about 10 years ago
#14 bastHUD in Customization
LinKr_You should put this on github

It doesn't really have a point uploading it to github, if people really want me to, sure.

posted about 10 years ago
#11 bastHUD in Customization
iFY_you should just call it hudas iscariote modification, since its pretty much exactly that

I asked Quartz about it and he didn't mind me calling it my own hud.

posted about 10 years ago
#5 bastHUD in Customization
KruhlmannUsing it right now, add taunt menu you damn fool!

I thought that it was funny to not implement it since i hate the conga, i did have a lot of problems trying to add it, i'll focuss on it if i get a lot of requests ^^

posted about 10 years ago
#1 bastHUD in Customization

Hello tf.tv


After working on this for quite some time now, i finally feel comfortable enough showing it to the world.
BastHUD is a modified version of Hudas Iscariote, but grew into it's own entity over time.
Please grant me as much feedback as possible, positive or negative, as long as you tell me why.

bastHUD only works in 4:3, 16:10 and 16:9

Lastest Update:
-Changed the Main Menu, Stats-summary Panel and the Winpanel to fit the HUD better.
-Reworked the entire backpack.
-Redesigned the Scoreboard, also in minmode.
-Fixed glitches including the targetID and the spectator HUD.
-Added the crosshair .png file and fixed the UNKOWN-bug.

Some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/ab4rn
Downloadlink: https://github.com/basbanaan/bastHUD/tree/master
Steamgroup: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/bastHUD
huds.tf: http://huds.tf/basthud/

If you were to notice any bugs/have any suggestions, feel free to join the steamgroup or add me.

Thanks for reading, b4stian

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Volunteer for frag movie editing? in Videos

You can't just ask a random person to do that... It takes time and effort. Just send your demos to an editor you personally like :)

posted about 10 years ago
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