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Signed Up March 14, 2013
Last Posted July 5, 2020 at 6:22 PM
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#15 rocket science 2 in Videos
cage-how do I search for that music name

song: ΣLD - 陷阱

posted about 10 years ago
#10 nba finals in Off Topic

spurs in 7 Ginobili will hit some sick 3s

posted about 10 years ago
#15 coldhud in Customization

why can't you just post this in the hud modification forum if this hud is in its alpha stage?

posted about 11 years ago
#56 most played map in TF2 General Discussion

tr_walkway 243....
what have i been doing

posted about 11 years ago
#1312 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
pwny_Posted here before, but I've been working on personalizing whayay's older yaHUD version for myself for a pretty long while now. I'm happy to share it with anyone who may want it. I've tweaked almost everything in the HUD that I can think of offhand, but not really confident enough to declare it a "new" HUD.

Album is here.

how can i make the respawn time more visible in tournament mode?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 2/11/14 update in TF2 General Discussion

Fixed an infinite ÜberCharge exploit related to loadout presets
Fixed a case where players that are the target of a vote kick would not be banned from the server
Fixed a Quickplay crash for Linux clients
Fixed Linux servers getting disconnected from Steam when multiple servers are run from the same IP
Fixed taunts not previewing in the character loadout screen after being equipped
Fixed the High-Five! taunt not hiding the Engineer's weapon
Fixed some missing knobs on the level 2 dispenser
Fixed being able to jarate invulnerable targets with the Sydney Sleeper
Lugermorph Killstreakifier can now be applied to all Lugermorph guns
Updated several cosmetic items that were missing an item_type description
Updated several cosmetic items to count as assisters in Pyrovision
Updated the Medi-Mask to use equip_region beard instead of face
Quickplay: Added option to search for "nodmgspread" servers
Quickplay: Removed disabling of non-vanilla option radio buttons when official servers are selected

posted about 11 years ago
#20 Who's in NY? in Off Topic

i like in nyc and wow its cold
i was walking down the street and i could not feel my hands, ears or lip.
i was forced to buy hot chocolate and it still didn't make me warm :c
and still no sign of my school being cancelled.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Insanehud in Customization
Insanityfirst hud i ever modified expected it to be bad so ya know,bye.

"modified" doesn't mean you can say it is yours. post it here:

posted about 11 years ago
#5 medic question s in Q/A Help
miwoballslayerI'm starting to play competitive medic for my team and i have a couple of questions
1. is it okay to use uber to save someone important? like your pocket/demo? like when they are extremely low and around the enemy team, and i go in and uber them to save him and they yell at me for doing that because i wasted uber.
Ideally, you shouldn't ever have to "save people" with the uber. When you have uber and they don't, you should be using it to get aggressive into them. If they have uber and push into you, you should definitely be using it to exchange and either get frags or get out, depending on how the exchange goes. When we get caught off guard with uber and I have to save someone, I call it a "reactive" uber, rather than a "proactive" uber, because you're just reacting to what the other team is doing rather than controlling the fight yourself. If you do get caught in that situation though, you should definitely pop to save your team.
2.when is a good time to melk/milk ubers (whatever you call it when you hold on to your uber when the other team is pushing into you)? whenever i try my teammates die and its my fault. Whenever the ubers are even, and you are going to exchange ubers, you should try to pop as late as you can, without dropping anyone on your team. Ideally, if ubers are even, you shouldn't have to save anyone except for your pocket--if people are dying during an even uber exchange, you should yell at them, because they shouldn't be in that fight. Except for your pocket. If you have advantage, you can pop earlier and flash to keep everyone's health high.
3.when is a good time to switch from uber to kritz and vice versa?When you have even ubers, you can go kritz, call your percentage every ~15%, and make sure nobody dies at 85%. You have to know where their combo is before you kritz in, and then be moving in at 90%.
4.if you are pushing into last and they have a sniper, should you pop early?Usually teams will only run sniper if they have disadvantage and need that pick. If you have advantage, you can pop early. If its even, just push into their flank since they're down a scout. If you don't think the sniper can hit his shots, do whatever you want.
5.sometimes, when i flash other teammates when ubered like the demo, my pocket says that our uber is weaker. can someone explain to me why? is it good to spread uber and flash other people?For every person you flash, you lose like 1.5 seconds of uber time. You also lose uber time if you aren't healing anything during the uber. Try to keep flashing to a minimum as much as possible. This is also on your teammates--if you're pushing in and your teammates are too close to the exchange and have to get flashed, yell at them for getting too close.

hope that helps.

that also did help clear up some things thank you!

posted about 11 years ago
#4 medic question s in Q/A Help
Huck1. Ubers are all about gaining ground and keeping ground. There are way too many situations in which you should pop to save your pocket/demo and when you shouldn't to explain in a short post. It all comes down to quickly analyzing how much ground you think the enemy team is going to get if you a) Drop players or b)Use your uber in a non-ideal situation.

For example, if you have the enemy pushed back to last and you notice your pocket got a little too extended and is now going to die, you should NOT chase him down and save him, because it will just lead to the enemy team having a full uber advantage on you. You have better chances of holding the point if you let your pocket die, and just sit back and force the enemy team to uber early before coming into your team.

There are too many situations for me to explain when you should just drop a player, and the only thing you can do is play more to learn the consequences of your actions.

2. It is good to milk ubers when you know that the enemy team's uber is not going to kill you or your pocket/demo/multiple flanking classes. If the enemy team ubers far away, milk your uber for long enough so that your team does not get damaged a lot. If the other team is good, you probably won't get many kills, but you will at least swap ubers and stay in the same position as you were before.

One thing you should not do when milking ubers is allowing your entire team to get heavily damaged. Even if you milk a few seconds, the amount of flashing you would have to do to save your wounded team might turn the uber advantage against you. One thing you have to remember is that ubers =/= no one dying. If you have to flash a lot your uber is going to be useless and milking it actually hurt you in the end.

3. It is a good time to switch to kritz when both the medics respawn at the same time, and you want a ~10 second advantage on the other team. It is a high risk but high reward play, because you have to immediately take advantage of your kritz advantage when you get it otherwise the other team will just have uber to completely nullify your kritz.

4. Yes

5. If you flash too many people, your uber is shorter and the brunt of your uber (the pocket) gets too damaged and then immediately dies after the uber is finished. Before pushing in, you need to have an idea of what your team is going to do. You can't just flash in all 5 players at once because then your uber is going to be incredibly short and everyone will be hurt for the clean up. Often, you will choose to do a demo scout uber, where you uber the scout in and then the demo follows up from behind. Your pocket was probably calling for a pocket only uber and you flashed too many people.

thank you so much! that really helped me rethink medic

posted about 11 years ago
#1 medic question s in Q/A Help

I'm starting to play competitive medic for my team and i have a couple of questions
1. is it okay to use uber to save someone important? like your pocket/demo? like when they are extremely low and around the enemy team, and i go in and uber them to save him and they yell at me for doing that because i wasted uber.

2.when is a good time to melk/milk ubers (whatever you call it when you hold on to your uber when the other team is pushing into you)? whenever i try my teammates die and its my fault.

3.when is a good time to switch from uber to kritz and vice versa?

4.if you are pushing into last and they have a sniper, should you pop early?

5.sometimes, when i flash other teammates when ubered like the demo, my pocket says that our uber is weaker. can someone explain to me why? is it good to spread uber and flash other people?

thank you!!!

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Tresh Hud in Customization
TreshballslayerTreshballslayerDo you know which resolutions the hud supports?The hud was designed on 1440x900. I don't know what other resolutions would work though, so if anyone could tell me that would be awesome.yea nevermind it supports 1600x900
nice hud and the main menu is amazing!!!
It's just default menu lol.

i mean like the background my bad

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Tresh Hud in Customization
TreshballslayerDo you know which resolutions the hud supports?The hud was designed on 1440x900. I don't know what other resolutions would work though, so if anyone could tell me that would be awesome.

yea nevermind it supports 1600x900
nice hud and the main menu is amazing!!!

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Tresh Hud in Customization

Do you know which resolutions the hud supports?

posted about 11 years ago
#23 bagel pugs in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
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