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Signed Up December 24, 2012
Last Posted April 19, 2013 at 4:45 AM
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#20 Shooting at MIT in Off Topic

It's ok capn <3
good explanation of what's happened so far

posted about 11 years ago
#372 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

Since sdogg is back anyways, I'd like to clear up a thread that was linked earlier.

I posted in a looking for players thread that sdogg's team had put up. It is my understanding that if a player or leader has caused problems in the past, it's encouraged to mention this in a post when they're looking. This is exactly what I did when I saw the thread. The subsequent jerking and arguing was the result of several friends I have who might be a little overzealous, but were not asked or organized to respond to sdogg. I tried to keep it as respectful and as objective as possible with my complaints.

Honestly, if sdogg2m disappeared tomorrow, I would be so much happier than having to post about him. Please don't take him as any sort of face of highlander. He's alienated most of the HL community with his conduct on forums and on line.

posted about 11 years ago
#236 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#4 HAKUNA MY TATAS IS LOOKING for a pocket in TF2 General Discussion

These guys are at the invite level of enjoyable-to-play-with. With the perfect balance of being contemplative and convivial, the team is like a carefully crafted katana created to carve cabesas.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 Fully charged #21 -- ask infinite/Fornaught stuff: in TF2 General Discussion

What vision do the admins have for the future of UGC?
Which do they value more: creating a positive, fun environment for newer level teams or setting up competitive challenges that ask the most out of teams in their coordination, mechanics, and map knowledge?

I feel like a lot of the criticism pointed towards UGC would be alleviated if people could better understand what the admins' goals for the league were. It could also allow for more creative solutions (e.g. different maplists for different divisions) to solve specific problems.

posted about 11 years ago
#22 Fog's DM servers are populated in TF2 General Discussion
AllealBecause of that the better team just wanders around the map waiting for someone to spawn near them before immediately killing them. The less skilled team isn't able to group up to compete with the more skilled one. In 5v5 the skill disparity is much harder to notice because 5 is too many people to keep down that way.

This happens sometimes even on the 5v5. It depends on the map more than the number of people. I was just on an extvdm while the map was badlands, and for a decent fraction of the round the other team was blobbed up in the center.

posted about 12 years ago
#6 Demo Reviews by Marxist in Mentoring

Thanks for doing this!

I'm a ugc silver demo; new to the class, but not new to competitive. granary scrim starts at tick ~33600 (also logs

posted about 12 years ago
#45 Demo Buddy (A tool for launching demos/recording) in TF2 General Discussion
RigelHow about your launch options? Dx9 is used for the quality CFGs, dx8 for the fps CFGs.

Hm I'm pretty sure I run dx9. I do use the -nod3d9ex launch option (not even sure if it's related, I'm less familiar with launch options.)

posted about 12 years ago
#43 Demo Buddy (A tool for launching demos/recording) in TF2 General Discussion
redbanbarryI'm not sure if this is just on my end, but...
Usually I run tf2 with one of Chris' max/high frames configs. When I run demobuddy with either the High or Max Quality configs, the demo is just completely fucked (i.e. weapon models glitched, random player models in civilian mode across the map, hud glitches, basically game shitting itself.)

That is pretty strange, only thing I can think of is that your 'exec demobuddy.cfg' line is in the wrong place, it has to be the last line in your autoexec. If max quality execs after max frames, it should overwrite the max frames settings and replace it with max quality settings. That works for me at least. Or is your maxframes config inside demobuddycustom.cfg?

Is it either of those things?

Eh... I don't think it's either of those. My autoexec has the correct command as it's last line, and my demobuddycustom.cfg is completely empty. I forgot to mention that demobuddy runs fine with both of the frame optimization configs, just not the quality ones.

posted about 12 years ago
#41 Demo Buddy (A tool for launching demos/recording) in TF2 General Discussion

I'm not sure if this is just on my end, but...
Usually I run tf2 with one of Chris' max/high frames configs. When I run demobuddy with either the High or Max Quality configs, the demo is just completely fucked (i.e. weapon models glitched, random player models in civilian mode across the map, hud glitches, basically game shitting itself.)

posted about 12 years ago
#19 GC Highlander Team LF experienced players in Recruitment (looking for team)

Sdogg, you don't even play tf2 competitively anymore. You have no team and your Flock is zero, padre. You've done nothing but make yourself look like an ass.

I like Tom's advice. Embrace the obsolescence of your opinions and this thread, and just go the fuck home. I'm done with this.

posted about 12 years ago
#2 GC Highlander Team LF experienced players in Recruitment (looking for team)

I played with the Pregame Tryhards last season. Math, tom, and turbo are all still on the team and they are truly some of my favorite people to play tf2 with. If the team is lead by those three it will be a solid team and a contender for the gold in gold. But there are serious issues with sdogg's -- who in the past has been the only leader of the team -- leadership. Among many other things, last season sdogg:

--left the team leaderless and medicless the week before our first playoff match, claiming he was "burnt out".
--stopped paying for the team's server, which he told in his first communication to the team that week the night before the match (similar thing happened last season, apparently).
--removed players from the roster at his own discretion, sometimes without informing even those team members or other team "leaders".
--managed the roster poorly, resulting in a match where we were under-rostered and had to play 8v9.
--failed to delegate tasks, not allowing anyone else to make decisions or do work for the team outside of actual play.
--kept all conversations about the team's plans in 1-on-1 conversations.
--kicked and removed from the team forums anyone who wanted to discuss plans for the next season in a team meeting.
--used an alt account to spy on other team's scrims without their permission or knowledge.
--failed to change or even accept the validity of many of these complaints when they were brought up with him.

This was not sdogg's first season. He has lead several teams in the past and many others have had similar complaints.

I really wish I didn't have to post this, because it seems petty and stupid to me. However, I can't let people who are interested in joining do so without knowing the history, regardless of how much I like the rest of the team and wish them the best.

TL;DR pregame tryhards is an excellent team with some of the best in HL on it, but sdogg is an unreliable and lacking leader which should be considered when trying out.

posted about 12 years ago