I am looking for a demo, (EU) for "my team", due to our original demo being pretty unserious and idle.
Prefer player with no experience in tournaments, but has played a few lobbies here and there. Maybe even pugs!
It is quite important, that you have no registrered tournaments, due to the rules of Newbie tournament on Comp.tf.
On behalf of my team, I wish to say, that location does not matter, but most players are English and Danish, so it would be nice with a player who has a similar timezone, with one of us.
Team lineup:
Scouts: Linda the Octopus and Hanplz.
Soldiers: Canos and Cap'n Nicko
Demo: Could be you!
Medic: Me.
Team group link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/plsrespond6steam
Add me here, if interested: http://steamcommunity.com/id/unicornflavor
Hope to stir some attention with this thread. Thank you for reading. Cheers.