Account Details
SteamID64 76561198059177902
SteamID3 [U:1:98912174]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49456087
Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.15
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse HP USB 3-Button Optical
Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
1 ⋅⋅ 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 ⋅⋅ 60
#157 The Side Porn Show in Videos

posted about 8 years ago
#48 CSGO revolver in CS2 General Discussion

I see people talking about this but there's not enough people talking about this

posted about 8 years ago
#14 dreamhack thanks thread in LAN Discussion

THIS IS LONG GOD DAMN IT SHIT so I might not get everybody specifically but thanks to each of the lads for being really cool with everything we do, as well as those of you who came by during the event/at the house to shake our hands and thank the production crew. Sorry for getting so close to your face when I had to take photos. You were a good chunk of why we did our best with the show.

Thank you Dashner for being my fellow Canadian partner-in-crime for production as always. Sorry about some of the copious amounts of BS you and David put up with for production, it's always awesome to see you stick through it all. Thanks as well for playing Super Mario, showing me the CS:GO finals, and taking part of the lightshows. Also thank you for taking care of Spencer, introducing me to nice cider, and saying my grilled cheese & eggs-in-a-basket didn't taste like crap.

Thank you tsc for enabling Dashner's stupid fucking last-minute ideas.

Thank you Airon for being our Berlin partner-in-crime for audio and teaching us all sorts of neat things, as well as being the most zen person I have ever met when everybody else is freaking out. Thanks as well for searching out the best possible food for us at the venue + offering some Swedish chocolate to me that I ended up buying and bringing back with me. I laughed when you ranted about who was doing the CS:GO caster mic mixing.

Thank you Andy for lending me all your cool lenses, as well as taking additional photos + video footage and being just generally awesome to work with. Thank you as well for explaining to me the shit about CS:GO I didn't understand, like why the hell chickens didn't fry if you threw flaming molotovs at them. You're a gigantic goof. I'd love to hang out again!

Thank you David for also being awesome to hang out with. It was inspiring watching you do your job which was basically turning around and flailing your arms at the casters before pointing furiously at your screen for big frags. Thank you as well for explaining to me what a bellend was. Also would love to hang out with you again, glad I got to know you more this event!

Thank you Admirable EVEN THOUGH YOU DIDN'T FUCKING COME for manning Twitter and articles when I couldn't find any production PC's to work on, as well as being a sweet potato and sticking up for us when shit hit the fan. I'm glad you understood our situation, as well as carried my ass for social media when I had photos ready2go (even if I couldn't tell if they were colour edited properly or not).

Thank you to TurboTabs for helping literally carry some of production around like when Airon, Dashner and I had to drag around the equipment. You helped out a lot of us these past few days, like you lecturing me to not break anything in House 1 while looking exactly like a wacky inflatable arm flailing tube man. That was sweet, actually. I wouldn't mind you doing more Team Mom shit. What I'd love to see is you help out even more with logistics & production.

Thank you Sideshow for doing your best in the name of competitive. There was a side of you I saw this show that I understood too well - that side where a lot of shit rides on your shoulders. You did awesomely. There was no way I'd ever think that some dude I started watching on stream laughing at a rock in TF2 that looked like a penis, would be one of the coolest people I got to work with. Hope you liked the maple creme cookies & the eggs-in-a-basket.

Thank you as well to ESports United for doing the best you could within the circumstances. I'm glad to hear about interest for more DH events and it'd be an honour to be part of them again. Thank you for those of you who complimented the silly signs I made last minute, offered me awesome photos to contribute, and told me cool stories about what inspired you to do all this. Hope you guys like the maple creme cookies as well.

Thank you to Kaidus for putting up with me being a snail when we were trying to go anywhere. Thank you as well for leaving the stove on for me when I had to cook food. Congratulations to Reason Gaming for their win!

Thank you Heavy Weapons Guy cosplayer who was cool with me nerding out when you came by our table, as well as hugging my stuffed bear. Your costume was sick.

Thanks to everybody who stuck around and supported the production lads + player lads throughout this all. Despite all shortcomings and difficulties, this was an event I still feel honoured to be part of. I'm so glad to see everybody again for another production in the name of the uphill struggle that is Team Fortress 2, and I'm hoping it won't be my last nor theirs. I'll make sure to get photos properly colour corrected + up ASAP!

posted about 8 years ago
#30 DHW photos and videos in LAN Discussion

Some more photos added to the general album, a few still need to be uploaded and colour tweaked properly later. Here's the Sexually Suggestive Sideshow Co-Caster Effect™ documented in full force.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 DHW2015 WBR1: Reason Gaming vs. in Matches

hey boys maks here on nations acc.
Couple things i just want to say. about the shaking. I have really crappy joints and if i keep still for too long my joints tend to lock as well as the only thing i had to drink before i casted was like 3 cans of energy drinks mb. To the fans of my casting I am sorry for stepping down for the 3rd map I had a lot to drink last night and had a terrible hangover, Between the lights in my face and the headset crushing my head, i really felt like my casting was starting to drop and it would just be better to hand it off to sideshow for the final important map, who did a great job. I threw up twice after i stepped off and just wasnt feeling well.Big shououts to turbotabs as well his casting today was on point and his back must hurt a lot. (press 1 for turbotabs)

Thanks for taking the time to read this aka

posted about 8 years ago
#15 DHW photos and videos in LAN Discussion

Sorry about not posting photos actively, all my photography is on the PC Nation is using right now. But check these out. Shoutout to Patrick Schilling for these sweet team photos that you can check out here!

Everything else that's been shot by me and Bones is up on this gallery here! Sorry if any of them are oversaturated or have gross colours, all the monitors here are the furthest thing from colour calibrated so I'll fix those when possible, and I'll post more as soon as I can. (Also mad shoutout to Heavy Weapons Guy who stopped by our table to say hi and hug the bear.)

posted about 8 years ago
#113 froyotech disbands in News

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Surgeries in Off Topic

Impacted wisdom tooth, lower right, was removed without knocking me out because the dentists didn't think I needed to be knocked out and I wasn't gonna have a bad time. I had a terrible time and so did they. I'm going to have an even worse time for the other 3 if these people do not knock me out for the next time I have to deal with it (unless peridontal surgery is going on that list since my neglect for dental/gum health is biting me in my dumb ass). Also had tooth extraction when I was 16 when my jaw wasn't adjusting to my braces as well as intended, had to have 2-4 teeth (can't remember exact number, don't want to remember) removed to remedy the overbite.

There was also a fairly painful biopsy done on these leg carbuncles I had when I was 14 to figure out if it was related to the tuberculosis I had at the time, but I'm not sure if that was actually a surgical or needle biopsy since I've blocked that out.

There's also my parents every now and then suggesting I should get rhinoplasty for purely cosmetic reasons (no, I still can't figure out why they think that's cool to tell their kid that either), but if I'm ever going to get a nose job it's probably a deviated septum operation for less nasal vocals.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 No-Swear Challenge in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Forward Command Post in TF2 General Discussion

I am indeed a member due to my work on the team skins, and my portfolio there would expand if I would just do the work that tsc throws at me, and not lose it when I named it something like asdilakjgio.psd.

also post magic mirror v.1.0 or riot

posted about 8 years ago
#17 Mike Shinoda using software I wrote in Off Topic

posted about 8 years ago
#75 ShaDowBurn’s Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
MattCVYou are a full time content created and from the small bits I have seen you seem to be extremely good at it.

I am assuming you do these things because you have a passion for the game and it makes you happy.

I am sure you also put this talent towards paid work? Plenty of people out there require this work.

I don't ask for donation drives for the happiness i get out of tf2, you don't do things in tf2 because you expect a monetary reward for it.

You're not wrong when you say I love this game and I love doing content for it. You're also not wrong in that I have done paid work. You're not wrong when you say if you do things in TF2, you cannot expect a monetary reward for it.

The last part is what fucking scares me. The mentality you and so many others share scares me.

It scares me because it defies logic if we consider our efforts work. It defies giving back to people who have offered their time and talents when they could have woken up from the dream back into a reality that hasn't learned how to take online workers, let alone volunteers, seriously. It's a pill that our content creators - our gamers even - have to dry swallow without a glass of water. I have friends, also full-time content creators, who have done optional donation drives such as Kickstarters, IndieGogos, and Patreons - that have gotten shit in their face about being beggars, swindlers or needing real jobs, when these same people flinging shit are people who sit for hours at their chairs enjoying content we make.

Every person who has done camera or casting, every artist who has made animations or promotional marketing - every gamer who has invested hours upon hours of their lives into being at the top of this game (maybe not the best? well-known? that's shit I ain't even gonna touch). Every individual who has paid out of their own pockets or other people's pockets knowing that they absolutely cannot fuck this shit up because 75% of the time, the community paid for them to go put on this amazing show that more than 1000 pairs of eyes are watching.

I'm doing my best to open your eyes up to another point-of-view, even if you choose to stick by yours. I've watched the production crew (and arguably, some of these teams and these players) put near-literal blood, sweat and tears (RSI issues, broken bones, mental health, sick family, neglect for IRL) in for this non-paid, non-official eSport. I want them to be financially compensated for what they've given to the community, and I will be willing to offer them something if they need it and I have the means of giving it to them.

posted about 8 years ago
#56 ShaDowBurn’s Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion
MattCVI am not sure why people find it so hard to understand that I believe you should earn your money rather than ask for it.

If I had a dime for every time somebody told this to me as a full-time content creator, I wouldn't have to ask for it.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 BBall tourney for Autistic Self Advocacy Network! in Projects

Sent you a really important TFTV message about Autism Speaks. Otherwise, hell yeah Bball tourneys, looks sweet!

posted about 8 years ago
#66 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/28/15 (Scream Fortress 7) in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
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