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SteamID64 76561198059645150
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49689711
Country United States
Signed Up March 12, 2013
Last Posted February 1, 2025 at 11:52 PM
Posts 3827 (0.9 per day)
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Headphones grado sr225i
Monitor asus vg248qe
1 ⋅⋅ 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 ⋅⋅ 254
DishSoapdo i look like im really tired or like a fag

those aren't mutually exclusive

posted about 8 years ago
#20 Beaver/Better lft IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

pounds idiots in pugs
not 12 years old
pick him up

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Hot Dads looking for players in Recruitment (looking for players)

skyrolla whoopie and myles are all mad chill gamers from every interaction i've had with them
dance# may or may not have humorously gotten triggered by bape in pugchamp mumble the other day, but he is good at shooting things which is what really matters
rip terry

posted about 8 years ago
#70 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events
mustardoverlordwait a minute, how much of this prize pool am I getting???

well mathematically speaking you were 1/6th of the team for 6/19 matches which would imply you deserve $13.16...

but you would be forgetting the fact that connor deserves the entirety of the prize pot for all of the spicy memes he's given to us over the course of the season

mustardoverlordI guess I'm still the only undefeated player in the ESEA-Intermediate division this season...Ringo__Starrdon't worry mustard I am too

don't forget about apt and marxist!!!

posted about 8 years ago
#54 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events

i couldn't even change my name, some guy from sweden stole the name bearodactyl and people have the name bear and bear- already
sorry slin

You are permanently banned from talking in teamfortresstv.

guess my alias is too edgy :(

edit: kkk took my baby away is a ramones song lol

posted about 8 years ago
#50 split_ lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

very good survivability on medic and super good scout too
will definitely frag hard on a top im team, aquire him

posted about 8 years ago
#243 PugChamp in Projects
erynnSide note: We are running reckoner because it is currently (to my knowledge) the only competitive map in active development and the creator is actually trying to get feedback to make a decent competitive map. It won't be perfect right away but if a few pugs are played on it and that results in some feedback getting back to them then it gives us the chance to get a new map that could be great. We aren't including it because we want to troll you guys. The original idea was to try and help out the map creator and see if something could happen with it.

for the most part i agree with what you're saying and its good to see evidence that there is more diversity in the map pool as a result, but the one thing I disagree with is the reasoning to include reckoner
in theory, it makes sense to have the most played pug site test out this new map and give it an actual player base to playtest it, but in practice the only results are people getting angry and talking with each other in mumble about how bad x y and z about the map are and how it should never be played in pugs
if after every reckoner pug the map creator was in a mumble channel and they talked about what they liked/disliked about it that would be a way to get actual feedback, or if players weren't too lazy to post on the thread with their thoughts, i think they would be much better results
a few points I've heard people make are that the map overall is way too big, the area between second and last is way too claustrophobic/cluttered with shit, one of the flank areas is impossible to push from mid into second from because it's super easy to spam from the shack on second point, the cap on the middle point is designed such that people capping are way too disadvantaged in a way that is unlike any other good cp map (think gullywash, metalworks, badlands mids--you have highground when capping, the only maps where you have a slight disadvantage capping are ultiduo maps and granary and process to an extent, but on reckoner it's such lowground that it's literally not worth going to during the midfight in any situation other than trying to go unseen and flank)

aieraincrease the captain game limit and since you are tracking ex invite players just give them captain powers along with their 2100 elo

to address aiera's point, there have been a bunch of situations where invite or other higher level players are trying to captain but don't get to which results in one team having a huge disadvantage because their captain is at a lower level than the majority of the players in the pug(ex: what mr bacon used to do in invite pugs)
one easy way to address this would be to make a hierarchy with the current invite players (people who actually played matches this season or in the past, not people roster riding like skeez) being prioritized over other players

however, this could result in problems if, for example, b4nny added captain to pugs with only open players and was guarenteed a captain slot, and pretty much instantly won the pug because he was the best player added
given that situation of one player better than all others is problematic even with the current system, but it could be exacerbated if there are only a few (maybe 2-3) very good players and the invite player who gets the captain automatically gets them self and therefore has an advantage, whereas if it were two players of the same skill level captaining nobody would have the advantage

aieraalso some maps just blow for pugs, that isn't to say they aren't good in rotation

i think there is actually some truth to this, for example pugs on badlands are generally a shit show because back caps are so much easier due to lack of coordination
in some situations teams are coordinated enough for badlands pugs to actually be pretty fun but i do agree with the point that in some scenarios certain maps just don't lend themselves to enjoyable pugs for anyone

posted about 8 years ago
#8 ESEA-IM S21 Grand Finals: dog1 vs. eL cLaSsIcO in Events

kurt hype!

posted about 8 years ago
#110 mumble comm quirks in TF2 General Discussion

oh i forgot the classic "THEIR WHOLE TEAM'S FLANK" or "THEY'RE ALL IN CHOKE" when in reality it's no more than a medic and a few other players

posted about 8 years ago
#20 About my posts in Off Topic

dont be a bitchboi
born a shitposter die a shitposter

posted about 8 years ago
#10 RIP Prince in Music, Movies, TV

goodnight sweet prince

posted about 8 years ago
#16 ESEA S21 Grand Finals: RONIN vs. froyotech in Matches
WheresmytoastIf FROYO take the first set I'm sure they can take the second. Go Underdogs!

that's a big if

posted about 8 years ago
#58 mumble comm quirks in TF2 General Discussion

me every time i die to a trap after my teammates walk through it and don't clear it
some stupid shit i say: "yo get in were fucking farming them"
"this uber is a non-juicer"
"this is an aids uber"
"stop feeding these cancer patients"
"yo we have full ad this is going to be a fatty uber"
"im clowning on them"
"I'm dead... wait nvm they missed me rofll"
"there's 2 soldier bots pushing big door"
"just pull the old switcheroo and take their side"

chiz likes to say "let's do the meme mid" or "we're browsing them"
connor says the phrase "tbh fam" every other sentence
wrech likes to say "did you say FEED????"

posted about 8 years ago
#961 ESEA-O S21 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion
phobiamason what mumble skin do you use?

the developer snapshot of mumble (1.3.1) has this as it's default skin
it also has a lot of nice features like the ability to locally adjust people's volumes (as an alternative to locally muting them)

posted about 8 years ago
#5 lf no scrim open team in Recruitment (looking for team)


he revolutionized the "shitty 12 y/o roamer main captaining to avoid getting fatkidded in pugs" strat (which has since been adopted by the likes of neon charmander and mr bacon)

of all the shitty roamers and 12 y/o team captains I've played with (and gotten mutinied) he's probably the least retarded, but that doesn't mean much

last i played with him he either didn't pay attention and fed or decided to take add meds in order to focus more on the game, which resulted in him being super hyper and then not comming

edit: this being said he isn't bad at the game and given the state of open (cloudmaker playing roamer in grand finals???) he could probably do well on a highish open team

posted about 8 years ago
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