WOW. If that happened to the DRIVER side.... Glad you're ok. That could have been much much worse.
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SteamID64 | 76561197983230667 |
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Signed Up | August 7, 2012 |
Last Posted | October 17, 2013 at 11:28 AM |
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LightninghooliOK thank you for the reply.LightningHey, this might be a little off-topic but does anyone know how to update your server after a TF2 update?All NFO servers update automatically.
I bought a tragic server three days ago and I have no clue on how I'm going to go about updating the server after this update :(
Also, Tragic is online like 18 hours a day. If you have trouble just message him on steam or submit a ticket. He's super fast with adjustments.
2sy_morphiendBecause a large portion of the population uses those words in a humorous fashion to destroy any negativity associated with them. I don't get mad when people throw around cancer in mumble despite having lost my best friend less than three months ago, because even when he couldn't walk anymore even he was making jokes about it.
I've thrown around THE N WORD with plenty of black players of this game in mumble and it's never been anything other than well-spirited. If there's any sort actual negative consequence to usage of words in society, it has been because of intent and not because of vocabulary. I throw around faggot as much if not more than anyone else in this community and I'm dating a bisexual, and marisa has already attested in this thread that it is more so the intent than the word choice that matters.
The reality of humor is that anyone that thinks that certain things are off-limits doesn't understand the purpose of humor.
I think you're one of the wittiest posters on this forum, but finally you've thrown something up that I just can't agree with you on. Faggot and Nigger are just completely unacceptable around me and in my mumble. Regardless of your justifications. There are some things that just cannot be 'destroyed.'
To each his own I suppose.
I feel like we have done a pretty great job getting rid of these slurs online. It's not over yet, but considering how bad it was we have made huge adjustments to our vocabulary.
My biggest cringing moment on mumble is when someone drops the N word. It just makes me shudder a bit each time.
I know I probably shouldn't throw that in with this discussion, just want to add that we still have a long way to go.
immortalI think the whole event makes a very good impression of the competitive TF2 community. Good enough for Valve to reconsider their lack of concrete support of 6v6 TF2. I mean, could anyone imagine the CS:GO community having the incentive to do an event like this?
While community weapons and an official thank you from Valve would be fantastic, I think the event should be wake-up call for Valve of what this community is capable of.
well said
Not sure if I should have made a thread for this.
Has anyone from the Tip of the Hats staff notified Valve/The Team Fortress team of the amazing event our community hosted this last weekend? I just think the site should put up an article on the homepage commending Seanbud and the rest of the team. And of course hand out some community weapons.
Perhaps they just haven't gotten around to it.
Everything mentioned was great and all, but Pete & Pete wins out for me.
Asking for im+ is not necessary. There are dozens of soldiers in open that could offer lots of great help for a new competitive player.
Maybe just do it temporarily between seasons. Like we are now?
Favorite book is hard
Favorite author(s):
Cormac McCarthy
J.M. Coetzee
As a graduate with his English degree, I have to say this kind of thinking is a bit frustrating. New interpretations are usually an ambitious effort from a scholar to establish themself, or a student that doesn't wish to do his research. In either case, Shakespeare's work has been so over analyzed that all legitimate interpretations have been presented.
mage24365Accepted to CMU, Northwestern, UCLA, Michigan.
the school's English department is complete trash and gave me shit grades for interpreting Shakespeare incorrectly.
This trash department was probably right : \
This made my day. Great job ikpure
You should buy HotLine Miami just for the soundtrack alone: