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Signed Up April 7, 2020
Last Posted May 24, 2024 at 5:54 AM
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#7 NA TF2: catching up in News

yay witness gaming and g6 are back to challenge a froyotech now with returning yight! this season looks to be the best in a while :)

posted 9 months ago
#344 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

i like how this thread has been active twice in the last 3 months lol

(thrice if u count euro cup but they played w/ like 150 ping so that doesnt rly count lol)

posted about 3 years ago
#1 60000 soon in The Dumpster

glory to 60000 look at thread link;

congratulations to tftv! may the tf2 community continue for many years to come
quite the milestone

posted about 3 years ago
#3 weapon banlist in TF2 General Discussion

ok thanx

pls unban base jumper

posted about 3 years ago
#1 weapon banlist in TF2 General Discussion

are there going to be any changes to the weapon banlist anytime in the future?
is the base jumper unbanned? i forgot

posted about 3 years ago
#47 can we please have badlands and granary back in TF2 General Discussion
habibjetzif u think bagel is bad u r objectively wrong

99% of koth haters are copers who would rather look at a choke than take an even team fight

this is also big overlap with the badlands lovers who enjoy looking at choke gameplay (very fun)

this, this, aand this.

bagel is as good as viaduct if not better (way better for soldier copium i guess who dont know a clue about how to play viaduct) and definitely better than clearcut

hot take alert
the moment badlands comes back you mfers are gonna get hit with the reality of that map and beg to get it swapped back out with something different fr. tho ngl granary would be nice again, but not to replace villa but instead dogshit process or maybe metalworks

this shit; i understand granary but badlands is so choky i dont really understand why people like it so much, once midfight is over and 2nd is taken, it is so fucking slow, and the pushes are bullshit cuz of forward spawns

also bagel is goated fuck yeaa

i would prefer granary over villa and i feel like this is a sentiment held by a lot of ppl... villa has been forced into the league for like 3 seasons now and it still isnt popular, every change just swaps the map around and fixes some areas and fucks up others, its just cuz the whole map is a bunch of awkward angles and lengths, so pushing or jumping is weird and defending is equally awkward imo. even if my reasoning is wrong u still cant deny that villa is less popular than granary for the most part

posted about 3 years ago
#4 RGL S6 IM SF: Thomas' Trading Group vs. Sweaty Spaghetti in Events

go rampag

posted about 3 years ago
#103 Who is zeekaptain? in Off Topic

yo im pretty sure zeekaptain was lurking on the grand final stream, banning people in chat who were celebrating b4nny's fat L. i got banned from b4nny's chat and i wasn't prior to grand finals and i hadn't been in his chat for like 6 months lol. @zeekaptain ( ° ͜ʖ͡°)╭∩╮

posted about 3 years ago
#11 froyotech scoop up slemnish, jay jumps away in News

FINALLY slemnish can get a gold

posted about 4 years ago
#8 The NA TFTV Coverage Feedback Thread for RGL S3 in TF2 General Discussion

i think casters should be more experienced, as its annoying when the caster doesn't even know what's going on and is constantly giving incorrect calls; maybe main-level players at least

i love how the hud looks, dont change it at all, i love the tags and the names (without aliases so its not confusing) so thats something im a huge fan of

posted about 4 years ago
#35 Shaggy | has been banned for being a pedo. in TF2 General Discussion

shaggy was always a poor moderator, he was rude, condescending, and insulting.
he was lined up to be the next steph, but i never expected he would go even farther and be exposed as a pedophile

im glad to see him go, as his influence as a mod was mostly negative and its good to see a pedophile removed from the community

posted about 4 years ago