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SteamID64 76561198123764798
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Signed Up September 3, 2014
Last Posted April 3, 2015 at 1:02 AM
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#4 What is TF2tv's everyday carry? in The Dumpster

Tinker Storm SF Slark

posted about 9 years ago
#67 TF2Pug.Me in Projects


posted about 9 years ago
#2 Puppy Bowl in Off Topic


posted about 10 years ago
#18 dac in Esports

cdec vs team secret was good game if u havent watched any game you should watch that one

posted about 10 years ago
#768 Post your setup in Off Topic

deathadder chroma zowie ec1 evo cl steelseries rival leopold 660m custom cmstorm qfr
hyperx cloud headset etymotic ER4 iems puretrak talent fox and dog

There is something I just love about your setup

yeah me too. what monitor is that on your right?

an old asus 236h demount the bezel

posted about 10 years ago
#762 Post your setup in Off Topic

deathadder chroma zowie ec1 evo cl steelseries rival leopold 660m custom cmstorm qfr
hyperx cloud headset etymotic ER4 iems puretrak talent fox and dog

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Need a new keyboard in Hardware

Quickfire is the most ugly keyboard ever although the build quality isn't terribe, if you want something that looks nice try leopold.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 Soldier LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

best 12 year old boy i've ever played with

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Soldier LFT Open in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 10 years ago
#1 BULLET in extv mom in TF2 General Discussion

Right when I saw those stickies I knew it was bullet /xrod whatever the indian kid. (CUMIL89)

VAC OFF Server as usual ez clips
Changed game ID to U:1:38452733 points to this
2 VAC ban(s) on record | Info
225 day(s) since last ban

u must be pretty delusional about videogames if you're going to submit clips of u hacking my god

posted about 10 years ago
#13 Any other 5k+ DOTA players here? in Other Games
Red_Yukis actually right. I could pick lycan and dp and win everypub game I wanted to

;-; sorry i disagree with this.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Any other 5k+ DOTA players here? in Other Games

I know about 2c, but I was just wondering if there were any good other dota players here. Link dotabuffs if you're 5k+.

posted about 10 years ago
#8 6.82 patch notes + new SF model in Other Games

I'm pretty sad about tinker ancients rework, but stacking hard camps is just as good anyways so its whatever. I'm sad about tornado flying vision, they keep giving me less and less reasons to play wex invoker. I see 2c being happy about the phoenix rework.

I wouldn't say tinker down at all. I just see more tinkers going for hex / bstone/ shiva utility and then going for dagon later on. I hate this update and the threat of dropping below 5k is concerning.

posted about 10 years ago
#23 Cross Country in Off Topic
lucifer-Cloudmakerdont u already run a lot in soccerYeah, but not nearly as much. Soccer is more short distance sprinting than long distance

You probably don't have the best trainer since when I played soccer our trainer would make us run once everyweek 10K as a group together. Just run and you'll progressively get better. Your lungs actually adapt very quickly, if you have problems with your back / feet buy orthodics other then that you're good man.

Most mid fielders if you actually want to be good at soccer or whatever run around anywhere from 7-15KM in a game. You can also look for running clubs near you / start running trialthons. They're a place where you hone your skills at running and stuff once you get better. Just keep running.

I can't provide you with like arm techniques / breathing techniques for sprinting as I don't really know anything about that, but if you can't really run 10-15k you basically just need to keep running until you can and then focus on the little stuff.

posted about 10 years ago