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Signed Up May 31, 2015
Last Posted February 16, 2016 at 3:12 PM
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#44 Updating cp_snakewater in Map Discussion

I think all of the clipping suggestions are great. TF2 is really hurt by barriers that blocks smooth movement. Last could probably do with some change to help out the attackers. I think rest of the map is great as it is.

posted about 9 years ago
#4009 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

My humble mini fragmovie :
Not the best frags but hopefully decent editing.

posted about 9 years ago
#53 tf2 dream team? in TF2 General Discussion

Scouts: Mike & Mike
Roamer: Mike
Pocket: Mike
Demo: Mike
Medic: Mike

posted about 9 years ago
#8 Smoothing help needed... in Videos
cerealthis happened to me

whenever you want to smooth a demo you have to open it with "play demo [demoname] " in console instead of demoui

Oh WOW! That actually fixed it. What a silly bug to have. Thanks a lot. Case Closed!

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Smoothing help needed... in Videos
emkayWhich tutorials have you seen? Did you follow them step by step?

Don't forget to "Spline Angles" and "Spline Origin" before you Save the smooth.

The smoothed demo has the same name as the original demo (ie "20150530_2029_cp_gullywash_final1_red_blu"), but with _smooth at the end. (ie "20150530_2029_cp_gullywash_final1_red_blu_smooth") This means if you try to find it via the console and play it, you may get an error - be sure to type in the entire demo name to be able to play it!

For good practice, I would also suggest doing all your smoothing work and active-demo-keeping in your /tf/ folder. Moving directories just makes things a bit more complicated. You can move the demos out of /tf/ when you're done, though.

I hope I've helped!

The issue is that the smoothed demo doesn't show up. I assume when I click save in the smooth window a second shorter demo will show up in the "/tf" folder with "_smooth" attached to it's old name. But that second demo doesn't show up in any folder.

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Smoothing help needed... in Videos

EDIT: Problem solved. Demos had to be started using the console with the command "playdemo [demoname]" instead of loading a demo from the demoui. Thanks cereal!

I've watched 5 tutorials on smoothing. They are all basically the same. I follow the steps, make keys while driving and etc. At the end I click save. Turn off drive. Close the demo. But the smoothed demo just doesn't show up. I tried smoothing with lawena or regular TF2. I tried with demos in different folders than "/tf" folder and with demos in the "/tf" folder. I tried demos with alphanumerical names, just alphabetic names, still no success.

Am I missing some simple step or is there something wrong with my TF2? Or maybe the current tutorials are out of date or somehow the smoothing system is broken? In any case I would really appreciate some help.

Here are the videos I already watched and am following step by step:

They are all basically saying the same things. Still that second smaller demo with "_smooth" doesn't show up.

posted about 9 years ago