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Signed Up July 25, 2012
Last Posted December 13, 2019 at 1:34 PM
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#36 RIP in Pizza - Don't Trip in TF2 General Discussion
TerywjKhakiNo disrespect meant to to Eldritch but, He's not an invite medic and he's not a gurl gamer = why did dt want him to play????
They had no more roster changes available due to the Clckwrk and Blaze antics so the only option was to activate one of their backups.

Edit--Whoop, didn't see the new page lol. Too bright!

haha ya our team would've been fine. we could've changed our roster for the 4th time and picked up another new player.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 RIP in Pizza - Don't Trip in TF2 General Discussion

hey kalkin!!

posted about 12 years ago
#24 RIP in Pizza - Don't Trip in TF2 General Discussion

eldritch was a really great med for his first 2 esea games ever, should be nothing but good things ahead for him

posted about 12 years ago
#5 ESEA Map of the week preview: Week 3 cp_gullywash in TF2 General Discussion

what did u eat today?

posted about 12 years ago
#69 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion
Kardboredblazeyeah, I use it as a means to represent my jewish heritage in the competitive esports scene
Hey Blaze, obviously I don't know anything about you personal life. For all I know you could be Inuk. If you're not, all I really want to do is to tell you that Inuk is the singular form of Inuit. So for an Inuk, it seems like you're saying that you're one of us.

I guess not many people know this outside of invite. It's a sponsor (inukshuk gaming), I have it as my main group on my profile. My friend who runs it is inuit. I'm not trying to insult anyone's culture or pretend to be something, I'm just representing his organization by wearing the tag as he requested in return for what he offers me.

posted about 12 years ago
#67 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion
Bubberkillblazeyeah, I use it as a means to represent my jewish heritage in the competitive esports scene
Just use your nose

i have a big forehead, my nose is fine. almost tho!!!

posted about 12 years ago
#65 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion

yeah, I use it as a means to represent my jewish heritage in the competitive esports scene

posted about 12 years ago
#63 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion

matt and i have learned our lesson, thank u kalkin

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Invite Illuminati in TF2 General Discussion

clockwork vs kalkin plz

posted about 12 years ago
#35 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion

hahaha laser beamed!!!

posted about 12 years ago
#30 blaze just left dont trip in TF2 General Discussion

LOL good times

posted about 12 years ago
#47 bl4nk aka guamboy671, AMA in TF2 General Discussion

why do u ignore rr and i when we ask to shogun???

posted about 12 years ago
#16 an argument in Off Topic

is wendy williams ur mom by any chance?

posted about 12 years ago

u guys need to hug it out

posted about 12 years ago
#2 med/demo LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

mans a beast. good caller and can help any team with strats. pick him uppp

posted about 12 years ago
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