Alright, I am posting with the viewpoint of someone who is quite familiar with the fringe far-right communities and ideas that this guy comes from (and that I also reject these same far-right beliefs). When I found out about the shooting and how deeply linked it was to far-right memetics that have been espoused on the -chan boards for years, I knew there would be some confusion and misinformation being spread about how this sort of thing comes about.
Now I don't believe PewDiePie has really anything to do with this, as he is not outright directing his viewers to political imageboards or the Daily Stormer. He said the n-word once yes, but that is certainly a far cry from "normalizing far right beliefs" (and as you will see below, it's often the case that people will confuse moderate right-wingers to be of this "far right"). The real reason people will end up espousing beliefs like this is almost single-handedly due to 4chan/8chan imageboards. 4chan has always been a notorious website, people go to that website for many reasons, and there is certainly easy access to the infamous Politically Incorrect board. The morbidly curious can take a look and see the fringe ideas or opinions people post about there, and for some people, there can be an excitement in seeing them -- the ideas are fringe, but it can bring a sort of excitement to an impressionable person when they conceive that these ideas "might be true", simply because they are taboo. It brings out a sort of narcissistic desire leading to a will to be apart of such a fringe group, because since it is an obviously small pond, you would feel like a big fish. And, this shooter guy is certainly narcissistic (much like Breivik).
AnaThonHere's him implying people like styxhexenhammer666, Richard Spencer, baked alaska, Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, Lauren Southern, black pidgeon speaks, Jordan Peterson, Paul Joseph Watson, no bullshit, roaming millenial and Stefan Molyneux (also Joe Rogan who's another guy who platforms every crazy person for commercial success) "aren't even far right commentators". I don't even know most the names in this picture but I got that many names from it.
You're twisting his words. He said "most of the names on this list" aren't what he would consider to be "far-right", and I think he is correct. Many of them might be right-leaning, yes, but they are not "far-right". Richard Spencer is undoubtedly far-right (he had an entire joke pointing out Richard Spencer was a nazi if you missed it), most of those people are pretty moderate conservatives (and to be fair, I'm not very familiar with "Black Pigeon Speaks" or "No Bullshit")
AnaThonAlso the man's most notably platformed Ben Shapiro who's another well liked figure in the mass shooting community for his horrible views.
No, I can certainly guarantee that people in the "mass shooting community" really don't like Ben Shapiro, namely because he is Jewish. Ben Shapiro is nowhere near "far-right", namely due to his views on capitalism (and Israel) that are very much at odds with people in these fringe far right communities, he would at most be considered a neo-conservative (which usually refers to some old boomer who believes capitalism is the cure for everything, etc).
dishsoapwhere this guy is getting the whole pewds normalizes far right ideologies is most likely from when he endorsed that edgelord E;R (who im pretty convinced is most likely a neo-nazi, you may not agree but usually if ur willing to make so many nazi jokes you might be one yourself). and we get that pewdiepie didnt mean to endorse E;R, but by doing so he unintentionally told this audience that he is ok with this since he didnt truly condemn it.
PewDiePie went on to make a follow up video where he did condemn E;R and that he advertised his channel solely based on 1 video he looked at, which did not contain any offensive material -- please do a little more research than headline reading.