Account Details
SteamID64 76561198024808376
SteamID3 [U:1:64542648]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:32271324
Country United States
Signed Up November 22, 2012
Last Posted January 3, 2016 at 3:50 AM
Posts 89 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.2
Windows Sensitivity Default
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse G400s
Mousepad GcK+
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#19 ESEA-Invite: Classic Mixup vs. HRG in Events

Fun fact: During Mixup's reign as the best team in season 12 and in early season 13, they played 22 consecutive undefeated matches. The team that broke Mix^ was HRG on Viaduct. HRG is currently on win #22, will Mixup break HRG's win streak like HRG did to them last season? Or will HRG take the win to clench #23?

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Custom hitsound with Steampipe in Q/A Help

TrukTruk literally made a video explaining how to do this not even a week ago in this forum. Search, please.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Anyone experienced with HUD modifications? in Q/A Help

So I've been trying to create a custom HUD button that uses a .vtf that I have, and executes a command connecting me to my scrim server. Also uses a custom sound for sound_released.

Here's what I had put in GameMenu.res

		"label" "" 
		"command" "engine scrim"
		"subimage" "scrimimage"
		"OnlyAtMenu" "1"

Here's the segment from MainMenuOverride.res
I'm not at my desktop so I don't have the exact code, but I reproduced it as best as I can here.

		"ControlName"	"CExImageButton"
		"fieldName"		"scrimButton"
		"xpos"			"c-131"     //arbitary for issue?
		"ypos"			"447"        //arbitrary for issue?
		"zpos"			"2"            //what does this position, exactly?
		"wide"			"30"          //arbitrary for issue?
		"tall"			"25"                  //arbitrary for issue?
		"autoResize"	"0"  
		"pinCorner"		"2"
		"visible"		"1"
		"enabled"		"1"
		"tabPosition"	"0"
		"labelText"		""
		"font"			"HudFontSmallBold"
		"textAlignment"	"center"
		"dulltext"		"0"
		"brighttext"	"0"
		"default"		"1"
		"Command"		"engine scrim"
		"sound_depressed"	"UI/buttonclick.wav"
		"sound_released"	"UI/customSound.wav"

		"image_drawcolor"	"235 226 202 255"
			"ControlName"	"ImagePanel"
			"fieldName"		"SubImage"
			"xpos"			"6"     //these position values i think are all arbitrary to my issue
			"ypos"			"5"
			"zpos"			"1"
			"wide"			"15"
			"tall"			"15"
			"visible"		"1"
			"enabled"		"1"
			"image"			"scrimimage"
			"scaleImage"	"1"

The problem I'm running into is if I omit the command from GameMenu.res, the image and sounds work, but the command doesn't run. And if I include the command from GameMenu.res, the image displays and the command executes, but sound_released doesn't play. I have tried it with UI/buttonclickrelease.wav and it doesn't play either, so I don't feel that it's an issue with a custom sound file.

So my question is for a fix, or maybe if someone could school me on how to work this HUD stuff I'd appreciate it. I've looked through Doodles' Guide and Flama's Guide but they haven't offered much insight.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Sorta retiring in TF2 General Discussion

Like so many others, Sal's videos are what got me into competitive, and for that I'm grateful. I've met so many cool people and have had so much fun because of it. You're the best, Sal. Good luck with everything!

posted about 11 years ago
#22 TF2 Daily? What do you think? in TF2 General Discussion

It's a really good idea, only problem I can see at the beginning is your initial scope, although it's commendable that you want to produce daily content. At the start though I think it'd be good enough just to do maybe even two videos a week just to get yourself started and figure out how you'd like the format to be. Once the channel/program/etc. has been established you should work on implementing your bigger picture.
I think POV reviews done by high IM/Invite people and a bit of interview or discussion of the meta as well would work really great for some of the content, as there's no shortage of demos available. Maybe some league news from ESEA/UGC/CEVO similar to what eXtine was doing for eXtv for some content as well. You'd be able to cover the lower divisions without much crossover of the regular coverage which is primarily involved in Invite until playoffs.
I'd be more than willing to help you get this thing live and out there for the community. Feel free to add me.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 Origins of Your Name/Alias in Off Topic

Because I mean, who isn't a fan of aging Egyptian politicians?

posted about 11 years ago
#120 Stupid shit you've done in Off Topic

Back when I was like 16, I was feeling especially lazy and didn't want to walk all the way back to my car at the far end of the school parking lot after school let out. I asked my friend for a ride and he told me to hop in the bed of his truck. I do and almost immediately after I step foot in the truck bed he floors it and my ass goes flying out of the back of his truck. Landed only a few inches from a curb, my hands cushioning all of the fall. Needless to say they were torn up to shit. I have said friend pull the ~15 year old first aid kit out of the back of my car and proceeds to perform the most half-assed triage imaginable to my hands. Had to drive my car home with the tips of my fingers. Ended up with my hands in bandages for weeks after that.

No video games :(

posted about 11 years ago
#86 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion
atmotake a shot every time Slin says "collapses on them" or Blank says "that he is, Slin"

take a shot when you hear Slin say "High in the sky" too. Guaranteed alcohol poisoning.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Looking for Players in Recruitment (looking for team)
shlanerI commend you for trying to make a team that will stick together in the long run. It's not an easy thing to do.

Boutros is a cool guy, try out for his team.

Thanks boo. :3

TurinThese guys have the best mumble atmosphere.

It's true. We're pretty fantastic.

Quick update: I've had like 10 scouts add me up for tryouts, I'm going to get them to try out but I've only had like 2 demos add me, I need more demos to try out!
Hit me up, bbygrl.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 I want to help. in TF2 General Discussion
KillingI was always interested in running an offseason tournament for non-esea teams where the prize would be freemium. I tried a few seasons back but there wasn't enough people interested in helping. Maybe now that people want to help the community grow, I can actually make it happen.

That seems like a fantastic idea. I'd definitely try and help out to get something like that going.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Auction - B4nny Unusual in TF2 General Discussion

I'll open it up, $15. Holy shit lots of bids

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Soldier LFT low-mid open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Dude's got some sick play. Really good on scout.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Looking for Players in Recruitment (looking for team)

Scouts: Masque, ???
Soldier: Turin, Broham
Medic: Boutros
Demo: ???

Hello, we're looking to make an entrance into ESEA-O S14 and we need you to make that happen.
We're bad at this game and you should be too. We're looking for people who'd like to stick around for a while, Vector-style. If you have a season of 6's experience in UGC/ESEA that'd be preferable.
Ideally you'd be available in the evening from 8EST onwards. We typically scrim Tuesday-Thursday with weekends off.
We're looking to improve together so be down with demo reviews/mge/etc.
If you're cool with that add me up. Let's get a tryout together.

EDIT -- At the time, I was under the assumption that we had half of a team returning. If there's a team looking for a Medic and a Scout hit us up.

DOUBLE EDIT -- We've got our soldiers now. Still looking for a Demo and a Scout.

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion
Saberjust follow this general pattern to get voicemenu stuff, it doesn't have the "uber on mouse 2 wherever you are" thing though (too paranoid)

the voicemenu numbers correspond to which voicemenu it is (i.e. 1=z, 2=x, 3=c for the first number) and the second number (1-8) refer to what number you press to get a voice command

hope this helps a bit

The voice menu is actually from 0-2 and from 0-7, but the rest is right.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Looking for a good medic script/cfg and hud in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylOh, I've also heard of people using scripts to like mask the calls and make team chat things saying 'uber masked' or 'uber faked' 'uber heady' etc. How would I do that?
alias "fakeuber" "voicemenu 1 7;say_team ">> f a k i n g   u b e r <<"
bind t "fakeuber"

That one's for faking uber. Personally, I wouldn't make a bind that says "uber masked" because in all honesty you should be spamming the hell out of that button, and you don't want that "uber masked" message to show up in team chat every time.

bind r "voicemenu 1 4"

This is one mask you can use. It'll just shout "Put Dispenser Here!" Or just hit your Medic! button. Both are good. Just be sure to hit them a lot.

posted about 11 years ago
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