Rawrsor_KermitRawrsorI can't seem to get the + character to show up in a panel. Here's my code:
"Buff" { "ControlName" "CExLabel" "fieldName" "Buff" "xpos" "c-85" "ypos" "c62" //c60 "zpos" "2" "wide" "100" "tall" "48" "visible" "1" "enabled" "1" "fgcolor" "233 233 233 255" "labelText" "+" "font" "HudHealthAmmo48" "textAllignment" "center" "alpha" "255" }
Is + reserved for something?
You've positioned the thing to be 100 wide, but -85 away from the middle of the entity. Meaning that the + is showing up 35 outside of the boundaries of the entity.
I set my hudplayerstatus to be f0 tall/wide which takes up the whole screen, so it's the element and not the text that's at c-85.
It works with other characters just not +
then the font probably doesn't even have the character, also you should really add antialiasing to the numbers