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Last Posted August 3, 2015 at 2:24 PM
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#9 UGC Plat: Menace to Society vs. Kids Next Door in Events

KND cause they endorse and play around their hacking Heavy.

posted about 8 years ago
#2 UGC Plat: $ilver $avages vs. Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo in Events (preferable) (???)

Only matches worth casting/watching. Sadly all these teams are eliminated from playoffs but both $$ and Buffalo have strong flank presence + good Snipers. $$ will probably win it, but it shouldn't be a 5-0 game.

posted about 8 years ago
#142 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
AvastAlso anyone with a simple grasp of economics and common sense can understand that scrapping a superbly well functioning/well known website that is the gateway to competitive tf2 over the grievances of an extreme minority of players without any sort of replacement ready is not very smart.DigresserHow do we move on though? That’s where you guys come in. has potential, but it doesn’t quite fill the niche that TF2Center does. With proper community feedback and involvement maybe that could change, though. What changes do we think it would need in order to serve the same playerbase as TF2Center? also has potential, and does anyone recall There are good resources available to us if we set about to properly utilize them

There is obviously passion for lobbies to exist in comp TF2. I hope we as a community can band together and create a service that surpasses TF2Center. We need to learn from the mistakes TF2Center made, most of which stemmed from the abuse of admin power, especially in the face of criticism (I suspect I’ll have a TF2C ban shortly to add weight to that statement). Having said that, however, I hope we also remember that most of TF2Center’s admins were fair and dedicated to the community, and that it’s very likely many of them are now free and available to offer their time and experience in whichever direction the community decides to take this.

TF2Center was fun while it lasted, and, all issues aside, I am grateful to its developers for creating it. However, it’s obvious that the time has come for something greater. I look forward to seeing what you guys put together. The comp TF2 community have accomplished amazing things, and we’ve kept this “dead” game going for a lot longer than our critics thought we could.

Here’s to our future.

That is the issue I have with your post and I don't even want to get started on miwo's original "just deal with it," argument, as the logic is just absurdly flawed and my use of black comedy showcased how ridiculous it is to even suggest/mention such thought. The entire purpose of this thread IS to help establish a new "TFC2" through means of brainstorming the best possible solution so that the entire community may move away from a player that has taken advantage of his situation and holds no regard for the people that support his work.

The hope is to create that replacement and that replacement will never happen unless the community tries and comes together. That is the entire point of this thread and if you think that's 'not very smart,' because there's already a well established website then I guess that's your opinion and I won't further waste my time with explaining how that mindset is so very unhealthy for TF2. People shouldn't have to 'just deal with' him, especially when it's in their power to do better if they combined their minds. It just seems so ridiculous to me to speak out against something that is trying to strive for positive change for the entire community. Rome wasn't built in one day, this is something Digresser and everyone else possibly involved with this project knows about.

posted about 8 years ago
#133 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
Avastbrick you unironically have Dr. House as an avatar on both steam and forums while talking down not only to other players, but players unequivocally better than you.

You are the definition of autistic

I can tell that anyone that tries to adopt a House persona in real life has some real superiority complex issues

There's a difference between calling a good player bad and calling an idiotic person a moron. It's not rocket science.

posted about 8 years ago
#129 Why it’s time to say goodbye to TF2Center in TF2 General Discussion
DanceNumberi agree at least 200% with miwo. He's stated a very 'real world' opinion.

He could have the same opinion of 90 people out of 100, but if they're all uninformed morons then their opinions are about as note-worthy as the shits that I leave in toilets, and this is why the 'real world' is going to shit very quickly. Leave it to a German to turn a blind-eye when Fascist, hypocritical men are in-charge of a 'service.'

posted about 8 years ago
#121 GXL LAN 2015 in News

Paid up. Looking forward to this.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 What happened to Muma and the Seamen/bote in TF2 General Discussion
HidiThe Round Robin will live, however with teams being moved around (IFA), and teams folding; on the surface, it makes it appear the Round Robin isn't a stable or viable way forward in Plat.
What we see in threads isn't the entire picture. Unfortunately, some have concluded a couple minor ailments mean that the Round Robin should be scrapped at the end of this season. However, it's going to take more than one season to know if this is the right decision for Plat.

What are you talking about? Only one team has folded and it was mine and it had nothing to do with the Round Robin system. Our team would have folded even if there were 14 teams in Platinum instead of 10. The situation with IFA was UGC's fault and UGC has to take responsibility for that, they cannot pin that on the Round Robin when both IFA and the Admins agreed to move up instead of Buffalo. The system is fine and we're seeing the benefits of it by previous and future teams not being negatively affected by bye weeks / teams disbanding.

Teams have moved up and down in the past without the Round Robin, teams have died in the past without the Round Robin. Some things you can't change, how these events effect the league can be changed though. The Round Robin has brought more positives to Platinum and the seeding than it ever has before. Have I also mentioned that it's the most fair and just system UGC has implemented?

posted about 8 years ago
#12 UGC Highlander Season 16 Week 4 in News
HueyLewisAre you guys dead? Why are you dead?

The team was made on the consensus that we were going to try our best and win. The two weeks leading up to the season and the first week of the season we're fine. People were making scrims and matches, everyone was having fun. During Gullywash we started having people be more inactive. Players leaving scrims due to other plans with just 5 minutes of notice or zero notice at all. Forcing myself and the rest of the team to find ringers. Either we couldn't find decent replacements or anyone at all. So when we did scrim, those who showed up would start to get frustrated that we weren't playing at our potential due to 3-4 ringers a night.

It's one thing if your team willingly goes into the season knowing that you won't be scrimming much or trying and under-performing and another if your team goes into the season thinking it'll be a serious season for them with not just hopes of placement but actually winning. The starters that were showing up consistently were getting frustrated with the situation. We knew at least 1 key starter would miss a lot, that being muma, some others that we picked up we weren't expecting as they were targeted purely because they had always been committed in the past and were to continue to be so. The team was no longer having fun and though we did agree to continue one more week to see if we could fix out problems both muma and yosh decided it was best to just leave before we all hated each other.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 UGC Highlander Season 16 Week 4 in News

Jack! Jack! Jack! Jack... Jack... There's a bote, Jack. Jack! Come back! Come back! Come back! Come back, come back! -blows whistle-

posted about 8 years ago
#12 UGC Plat: Muma and the Seamen vs. Menace To Society in Events

gg mTs, if you had waited just two more seconds we would have had kritz on the point but you just couldn't wait.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 UGC Highlander Season 16 Week 2 in News

It should be stated that as close as the Top 3 teams were last season, the Top 4 teams this season are even closer. With Bote and KND being a little better than mTs and dK on payload (upward) but dK showing to be a much stronger team on 5cp (gullywash) than Bote and KND. Not much has been able to be seen of mTs, per usual, but there's a reason they place every season they play in.

The placements are very subjective, considering each team has their own map / gamemode that works better for them than the counter-parts. I know it was said last season and it almost seems repetitive, but this is looking like it's gonna be a fantastic High Plat season. dK is probably the best team on Gully this season.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 UGC Plat: MenaceToSociety vs. Ginyu Hoops in Events

enigma to top frag.

posted about 9 years ago
#24 UGC Plat: KND vs. Bote in Events
kevmuma and the seamen's payout theme song :

posted about 9 years ago
#15 UGC Highlander Season 16 Week 1 in News
NurseybrickhlEdit - Nevermind all of this. Jewfro has indeed 100% confirmed scout for Muma and the Seamen.
we could've had jewfro....

Enjoy 4th now with corsa and dimento on your roster 8)

posted about 9 years ago
#10 UGC Highlander Season 16 Week 1 in News

Edit - Nevermind all of this. Jewfro has indeed 100% confirmed scout for Muma and the Seamen.

posted about 9 years ago
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