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Signed Up November 9, 2020
Last Posted November 10, 2020 at 1:59 AM
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#6551 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ZetosbrowniesIs there some way to keep the chatbox from resetting to its default position?Hypnotizeevent CompetitiveGame_LowerChatWindow
event CompetitiveGame_RestoreChatWindow
event HudTournament_MoveChatWindow

wow, what a simple fix to a problem I've had for about a year now. it worked, thanks

posted about 4 years ago
#6549 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

I've changed my chatbox settings to get a tall shape that sits in the top left corner, extending halfway down the screen, seen here

But, every time I join a server, change loadout, or die, the chatbox resets to its default position, while retaining the shape I've set. If I use hud_reloadscheme, it goes back to the position I set, until I die, etc. hud_reloadscheme lags the game for a few seconds, only working half the time, and requires you to be alive or else it resets back upon respawn.

Is there some way to keep the chatbox from resetting to its default position? I might have missed a value when changing where it's positioned, maybe there's a default that it switches to whenever something happens like me dying. Is there a way to change this?

posted about 4 years ago