Account Details
SteamID64 76561198169107155
SteamID3 [U:1:208841427]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:104420713
Country Czech Republic
Signed Up December 29, 2014
Last Posted January 29, 2017 at 11:42 PM
Posts 154 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2
Windows Sensitivity 7/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer DeathAdder Chroma
Keyboard Razer Blackwidow Chroma
Headphones Turtle Beach Ear Force Stealth 400
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#57 internet in Hardware

fuck yeah we got a new router

posted about 9 years ago
#53 internet in Hardware
Dave_move to not south carolina

yeah i want to leave this place
but parents are conspiracy theorists and think this is the "right place" :(

posted about 9 years ago
#16 What do you look for in a custom hud? in Customization

he has to be at least 6'2

posted about 9 years ago
#67 srs team name needed. in The Dumpster

isis did 9/11

posted about 9 years ago

if i was anything but a heterosexual white male this would've deeply offended me
good job

posted about 9 years ago
#55 Exposing a 19K hour cheater/hacker -- Seven in TF2 General Discussion

i remember i used to play with this guy like 2 or 3 years ago in lobbies and he always seemed really inconsistent
i had a theory but didnt want to sound as autistic as him

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Looking for a csgo MENTOR in CS2 General Discussion
kounterpartsWas GN 1, Deranked from smurfs and hackers etc to S4, add me http://steamcommunity.com/id/kounterparts

would love to mm with some cool dudes

dont make excuses for deranking

posted about 9 years ago
#21 is it ok to play comp at a young age? in Q/A Help
JakeyPooSuper was/is 12 and he's doing just fine last i checked

is this joke still running? thank the lord

posted about 9 years ago
#19 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster

it's not going to happen

you should stop
K );

Any advice on how I can get it back by myself?

not much you can do to get it back
just dont fall for middleman shit its honestly really obvious

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Worst setup you've ever had in Off Topic
iridescentFUZZIt's literally like I can't get good ISPs within a 2km radius of my house.

you ungrateful lil shit rofl
i cant get any good isps in my entire state

posted about 9 years ago
#8 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster
scarabMr_Owlnah sorry your hat just isnt valuable enoughOwl is correct, in order for the TF.TV police team to help your unusual must be at least 3 buds, sorry.

that and roody's a pretty active guy here, i doubt anyone here is gonna help a random fuck that gave us no evidence

posted about 9 years ago
#4 I Got Scammed out of my Unusual Hat in The Dumpster
DucksGonnaDuckI don't really care how you do it, but I want to end this man's career.

ya k lol

posted about 9 years ago
#15 NiP Allu in CS2 General Discussion
-protohow would he communicate with the rest of nip? are swedish and finnish similar languages?

depending on where he's from in finland he could know a decent amount of swedish, maybe enough to understand and he can call in english?

posted about 9 years ago
#165 AMA / SHIT TALK / IM BORED in Off Topic

whats your favorite scene in wreck it ralph

posted about 9 years ago
#47 Roamers of the past in Q/A Help


posted about 9 years ago
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