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Signed Up July 12, 2019
Last Posted November 15, 2020 at 2:48 PM
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#11129 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#10897 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 4 years ago
#33 pedophilia in an Brazilian team fortress 2 league in Off Topic

ty brazilians you never fail to disappoint


posted about 4 years ago
#30 why are americans obsessed with height in Off Topic
Blame-_-im 4 foot 11 and im known as the tunneller, dont get on my bad side or your houses foundations might just get a bit weaker..

el goblino

posted about 5 years ago
#3 MY BUG in Customization
WhyNotDivinein the mute menu ingame you've probably just muted yourself

is this a thing?

posted about 5 years ago
#40 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
smokioconcordesmokioconcordesmokiohttps://imgur.com/a/lCENf1p said by the same person who did this post...
(TRANSLATION @smokio u think ur funny?
im gonna fuck you up) -as if he could lol-
And your point is?

it clearly flew over your head. tl;dr if you're gonna expose someone, don't be a hypocrite
Everyone has their own mistakes in the past. We're not saints, after all. You could say we're all hypocrites at some level or another. What we should do is looking at the bigger picture. Maybe not make this about your problem with him, but about the problems that the SA community are dealing with which is clearly the topic is right now.

sa community never existed and it will continue that way until these neo caporegimes can lower their "kawaii" internet ego (why are you even trying to front, you're from indonesia lol xd xd xd). my screenshot is less than a month old (A.K.A RECENTLY) and as i told you, hypocrisy shouldn't be tolerated. it could be a random threat by anyone in this community and if that person did the same, i would be exposing him too...

south american outcast mad at world because no friends due to being retarded

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
Ph4rad0xPepito is a well-known player for buying and selling medals in South America Community for more than 7 years now. He is also well-known for selling placements and slots in South American teams. Being a UGC's administrator and has his own league is totally unacceptable to have such manners and league gesture, also, to represent UGC's League and Valves' Tournaments is very doubtful to UGC's and Valve's Reputation...

Back in 2013, he already was among the medal-buyers players, here some examples that got exposed also beside the .doc that Ratawar already posted: https://prnt.sc/qq2t8w for those non-Portuguese speakers ( they are just settling down the price to get the medal (at this times these items were expensive)

Also doing a quick look in his backpack I found this medal ( https://prnt.sc/qq31q7) this medal is 2011 medal, and his profile is from 2012 (https://prnt.sc/qq32im)... Do a quick look yourself http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198061423405

Besides that, everyone else tells me that he does Elobooster in Dota2, he has not honestly things really.

Last but not least, He has innumerable medals from Europe and North America where he hasn't played even a single match or at least a single one to tells that he plays.

I hope this community one day back up again.

Remember nothing that I wrote above was personal or anything, just following up with the post.

Oh I almost forgot:
https://clips.twitch.tv/ViscousRoundHeronOSfrog (Habibi's Twitch clip)
https://clips.twitch.tv/SuperTardyBaconKappaClaus (B4nny's Twitch clip)

edit: Check his medals history so you can see that medals from 4 years ago is reaching out his backpack 2 years to less from now. HAha funny

"UGC admin" not anymore LULW

posted about 5 years ago
#9 Corruption in South American TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

brownasszeras gone

posted about 5 years ago
#9281 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 5 years ago