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Signed Up July 16, 2017
Last Posted May 12, 2019 at 1:06 PM
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#9 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion
AdjeCool idea for a project but if you want to attract developers for this I think you'll have to do better than just write out your goals for it and actually think further ahead about how you will accomplish those goals. There's a lot of things to consider when making a system like this.

The primary thing to consider is whether people will use it at all: if it's not easier than posting in a Discord channel or less time consuming to set up than it would be to plan your own scrims, it won't have any users and people will feel forced/inclined to use Discord anyway even if an alternative exists. Also important to note is that if you want to make this a service for lots of people you'll need to check if there even is any interest for this in the first place. I think your first step should be to create a poll of some sort and check if this is something people want and what kind of features they would like/find useful.

Another pitfall is the actual matching system. I think it will be very difficult to actually get the system to book scrims vs teams of equal skill or similar, because even in the same division there is quite a large skill gap between the bottom and top teams. Some teams won't mind playing vs teams far better than them but not everyone is the same in that regard. Until you can think of a solution for that I don't think a fully automatic system will work. Semi-automatic? Perhaps.

You want people to get notified about booked/cancelled scrims. Cool, but how do you want to do that? Mail? Discord? Steam? Push notifications?

How would this system work across different leagues and regions? You'd have to separate them in a proper and clear way so the system does not try and book scrims vs ozfortress teams when you play ETF2L or something silly like that.

Maybe you've thought about some of the things you've mentioned already and how you would implement it, but I feel like it's important to be very clear what it is that you want and how you want it to work. I like your concept but I don't think any developer would want to put their time into something like this (for free), just to realize that there is no demand for whatever it is he developed or that people prefer just messaging people over Steam or Discord to book scrims.

You could maybe talk to the person who made and pitch your idea there, while it's not really what you're looking for I think it would fit in nicely with the player availability system he made.

True. It was just an idea in my mind in the first place. I wanted to start a communication about the topic.

I have some ideas in mind to create it. But I thought there are excisting services that fits my need.
Seems like there is not the right thing for this problem atm. So I will get in touch with the creator of

Also that means I will create a concept first, how this problem should be adressed. Then I can get the information about the interests as you said.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion
TamircallFEELDMaybe I can awake intrerest of other devs:
This project will need probably:
  • Front-End Developer (creating a website with HTML/CSS/JS)
  • Database (SQL)
  • Back-End Dev (Grabbing APIs, building interaction with maybe a Discord Bot, general website backend, Building a rating system of teams to better match equal teams)

This would be a week's work to make, but I know of a simillar system ( that basically had the same functionallity and died within a week. I don't see a reason to make this unless I know it won't die again

I guess a new tool, espacially a website is not the greatest fit for this use-case.
I think using a simple Discord Bot would improve this by far. Here you could have a easy notification about the current things going on. You didn't need to log in to something, just chat with it.

The Front-End thing i mentioned is just to get a better overview of the scrims. But I guess a Discord Bot could better provide service for it.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe I can awake intrerest of other devs:
This project will need probably:

  • Front-End Developer (creating a website with HTML/CSS/JS)
  • Database (SQL)
  • Back-End Dev (Grabbing APIs, building interaction with maybe a Discord Bot, general website backend, Building a rating system of teams to better match equal teams)
posted about 5 years ago
#4 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion
SeinfeldHello. Please Make This For Me. No I Will Not Help Or Pay You. Thanks. =)

If more ppl are intrested I am going to make it a real service.
And you don't have to pay for it.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 Automated Looking for Scrim in TF2 General Discussion

I am a lazy person, so I am searching for an automated/easier way to schedule scrims for my team. If there is something like this already excisting pls let me know.

I like how fast the discord group LFS sections are tbh. But there are some issues with this, that is hard to change with only a discord message in a group. For example if you are looking for a scrim on one day, you have to be pretty active on discord to find a team that is not already booked (Espacially if you don't have so much time). It is also not really possible to schedule for a scrim a day ahead.
Yes I could do search the leagues teams to msg every leader to schedule scrims. But where is the fun in that. Espacially in the off-season the teams are not up to date.

What I would like to have:

  • A easier way to see if the LFS messages are still active or not
  • To schedule for LFS msg for specific days/times
  • To automated get "matched" if there are two LFS msg that are looking for the same thing
  • A way to notify me if a scrim was found, canceled, etc.
  • Get the team page (i.e. etf2l team page link) so I can check if the LFS is valid. This could be done automatically. Also the system could verify the lfs by itself when inserting the etf2l team id.

I am lazy, but I would take the time to implement it myself if this would makes my scrim management easier.

So a quick recap:
Is there a better/automated way to schedule scrims? If not is there any interest of other team leaders to use such kind of system? And If there is, are there also devs that are intrested in helping me.

kind regards and have a nice day

posted about 5 years ago
#8 Discord Bot in Projects

Public Beta
I made it possible to host the bot 24/7 now.

You can invite him with this link to your server:

Disclaimer be aware that there could be small downtimes or errors. If you find them please report them here or on the discord server (

Invite the bot and start by connecting your discord user with your steamid64. Just type !logs for more info.

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Discord Bot in Projects

WIP - Version 1.2 Server Edition preview
better scale able:
- works now with multiple servers
- using a database instead of a file and therefore

- increased speed by focusing on faster code
- reworked visible command output, that has the same structure
- players in teams are now stored with their individual class
- removed !logs user command since every user has to add themselves only once and also for security reasons

- fixed Bug: !logs not showing output if there wasn't any heals

Most importing thing:
This upcomming update enables me only run one Bot that handles multiple servers. This means I can finally host one bot and you only need to add the bot via a normal discod bot invite link.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Discord Bot in Projects

Version 1.2
check out the new update on GitHub
I updated the bot, here are the latest changes:

  • new command !logs addme <SteamID64>. This command will add yourself to the bot.
  • fixed commands that were unable to use
  • performance on '!logs' commands now shows also: assists, ka/d, dmg,
    heals in percent, airshots and classes played
  • minor changes in styling of the output
  • added more tips. Its now easier to navigate through the bot

For devs or server hoster:

  • console output now shows errors if files are missing, wrong token added or no token added
  • more comments in the code
  • added a config file to easier change options

I am also working on improving installing guides
Check out the ReadMe of the GitHub site and the wiki site of GitHub

posted about 7 years ago
#2 Discord Bot in Projects

You can get on the server to test the Script:

The script won't the whole time, so if you want to test the script just shoot a message in the discord server.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Discord Bot in Projects

I created a Discord Bot script. So if you have a Discord Server and a pc/server/rapsberry pi you can run the script.

For more information
Bot on GitHub

Wiki on GitHub

and this will show your latest log with a bit of your performance details
!logs profile
will show your profile

!logs @mention
you can look up other players latest logs
!logs @mention profile
and the profile of other players

!logs match <teamname>
will show the latest match of a team
full list of commands

I made it pretty easy to create/delete teams, add/remove players to a team and also add/remove players with their SteamID64 to the bot. For those commands check out the command list ( Important: only moderators can use these kind of commands. A moderator has to be inserted manually into the users file. (tutorial:

Disclaimer: It's not possible to get the SteamID via the data of Discord itself so the moderator of this script has to add the players with their SteamID64 first.

Check it out, I will continue working on this bot
Last edit: 14.02.2018

posted about 7 years ago
#1 api documentation in Projects

I am currently working a bit with the api. I wanted to grab some information for testing and other stuff. And during that I noticed that there wasn't any big API documentation available that describe certain post request and the json data.
(The only thing i found was this:
I pretty print the JSON code and I wrote a small documentation about the API to help myself understanding the objects/arrays.

This documentation isn't finished but I still wanted to share that with you. Maybe you can use this for your projects:

If you found any mistakes, please let me know.

posted about 7 years ago