Account Details
SteamID64 76561198019267942
SteamID3 [U:1:59002214]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:29501107
Country Canada
Signed Up March 5, 2017
Last Posted July 11, 2022 at 10:02 PM
Posts 167 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.89
Windows Sensitivity 5/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech MX518 (2019)
Keyboard Topre Realforce 104U
Mousepad SteelSeries QcK+
Headphones beyerdynamic DT 990 Pro (250 ohms)
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 12
#74 7 eleven frequenters thread in Off Topic

i found crystal pepsi there on the weekend, very pleasant surprise

posted about 2 years ago
#15 MAJOR TF2 update for 10/5/21 (Scream Fortress XIII in TF2 General Discussion
great chode cosmetic

mine still has a head

posted about 3 years ago
#43 shows to binge in Off Topic


posted about 3 years ago
#5 Best cat face? in The Dumpster


posted about 3 years ago
#44 Who is zeekaptain? in Off Topic
funhaver1998damn it feels good to be subscribed to banny 2 years+ and counting ;)

i was subbed to b4nny for a year and a half and still got permanently banned by zeekaptain for criticizing FACEIT/TF2PL shortly after my sub ran out

posted about 3 years ago
#180 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

anyone else notice how fucking crazy the bots are

just played an upward game where my team got shut down by a heavy that would lock on to literally everything on offense and then two engineers that would insta-rebuild sentries (while roaming and fragging players on shotgun) on defense

posted about 3 years ago
#2 Mumble Overlay not working on 4/3 stretched in Q/A Help

try opening the overlay settings and moving the name list closer to the middle of your screen (little red dot), it might just cropped out of the 4:3 frame for your 16:9 desktop resolution

posted about 4 years ago
#39 Discussion: rgl is bad in TF2 General Discussion
HypnisTo be fair, there's no way to see that the chat messages in that log were from before the scrim started. We should probably make sure this wasn't a misunderstanding

not sure what this is in reference to, but all source mp games generate server-sided .log files that always have timestamped chat logs

posted about 4 years ago
#7 "HLTV Gamers" ? in Off Topic

don't do it

i got the same thing from an old steam friend a couple months ago and used the site and steam guard (very stupid, most likely didn't notice the faked steamcornmunity URL), guy who got into my friend's account ended up hijacking mine to spread the same message to my entire friends list. thankfully nothing happened aside from my friends list getting fucked up from people deleting/blocking me

site was different at the time (some kind of misspelling of GosuGamers?) but it's still the same scam. stay away and delete them for the time being until they can contact you outside of steam to make sure it's all safe

EDIT: also it's a very very bad idea to include the actual link in your OP, that needs to be deleted ASAP

posted about 4 years ago
#1 Longcat has died. in World Events

2020 takes another legend from us


posted about 4 years ago
#6 What do based mean? in The Dumpster

posted about 4 years ago
#268 match stats in Projects

In theory, would it be possible to track healing from Engineer dispensers (if someone was to create a plugin)?

posted about 4 years ago
#16 worst images in The Dumpster
ZestyWhy Did My Post Get Nuked?

tftv mods hate rainbow dash

posted about 4 years ago
#13 worst images in The Dumpster

cursed noided image

posted about 4 years ago
#1 guilty pleasures ♫ in Music, Movies, TV

green day

share yours

posted about 4 years ago
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