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SteamID64 | 76561198044052830 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:83787102] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:41893551 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 6, 2013 |
Last Posted | September 29, 2020 at 6:40 AM |
Posts | 343 (0.1 per day) |
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26 down frags to my first post on page 1 but yet none of you simple minded pussies have the brain to dispute me. You just cry over n over because b4nny is better than all of you, makes more money in gaming than all of you, and does less work in real life than most of you. (Im sure some of you puds are on food stamps or living off mommy) GG you pathetic "community"
dale and the questionnairs is lfp(maybe actually high open im dumb LOL)
Brand new team inspired by the discount newbie mix team drive from the other night. Right now, we've got only a scout and a demo. Our scrim schedule is gonna be four scrim nights with 2 scrims each (plus pregames). We're hoping that with this schedule we can improve consistently during our first season of open.
Scouts: Perfection/Wax??/you??
Roamer: Accliam??/freelander??/you??
Pocket: Marty??/you??
Demo: Quest
Med: you??
Add me on steam if you're intrested:
wax is a fucking mega pounder pick him up
fun fragging : )
this is where i die
i really fucking love eggs
why are u still bumping this
nykWhenever a tf2c thread pops up i take the opportunity to point out MasterNoob isn't even the worst admin:ninjamoocowsaamcenter honestly needs to ban every single one of their mods/admins from ever trying to communicate with anyone everYou are a neckbearded retarded dick. Address people, not groups that you generalize about.
he hasent been an admin for like over 6 months tho