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Signed Up April 13, 2013
Last Posted May 28, 2016 at 4:51 PM
Posts 265 (0.1 per day)
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#324 yahud in Customization

Hi whayay. I've recently started using your hud and I really love it. I'm using the Central version now and I'd like to ask you few questions about customization. I've tried to do some of those things myself, but I usually messed it up more than did it as I wanted. I am using 1366*768 and that probably messes up everything.

1)Damage transfer - I'd like to shift the Last Damage Indicator. I'd like it above the HP as I'm quite used to it.

EDIT: I figured it out. But now I'd like to ask how to make the damage numbers alinged to middle so they will show at the same place either it would be -3 or -3000. Now they are alinged to the right so -3 is showing a little bit to right, -30 in the middle, -100 in the left etc.

2)Added HP transfer (when you pick up a healthpack) - This is technically the same as the former question. I'd like it above the HP as well maybe even more above so it wouldn't overlap with Last Damage.

EDIT: Figured it out.

3)Winpanel transfer - If I'm not wrong the Winpanel in Center version shows up near above the middle. I'd like it at the bottom of the screen in the middle as it's usual.

4)Circle crosshair - When I tried to use your circle crosshairs, I found the first one too big and the second one too small (yeah I'm picky, sorry about that). I'll try to change the values (tall, wide) soon, but last time I did this was with my last HUD and it only messed up the location and did not chang the size in any way.

5)Killfeed icons trasparency - I'd like to have full transparency of the killfeed weapon icons. I just couldn't find the right file.

EDIT: Done. No need to answer this.

6)Killfeed rounded borders - This one isn't really important. Just in case it wouldn't be really difficult.

Thanks for any help, and please excuse me if any of these questions were already answered. I just don't quite orientate in your HUD as I'm brand new to it.

EDIT:7) How to change the location of the spy image.

posted about 11 years ago
#309 rayshud in Customization

Hi rays,

You can see on this image that the numbers of boxes aren't showing fully. Iunno if this is a known bug, I just want to let you know. Although I dont mind it at all.

posted about 11 years ago
#295 rayshud in Customization
RawrSpoonThis installer is amazing, holy shit.

Tree, I love you and want to have your babies.

About the installer, turning on the glow for payload objectives fucks up the HUD and it doesn't seem to go back :<

Ammo goes to bottom bottom right and overheal/low health turn the same color as normal health.

I had the same problem as you. Kind of a. Try to reinstall the HUD it helped me.

posted about 11 years ago
#289 rayshud in Customization

Hi rays once again it's me. This isn't a question of life and death, but avatars which are shown in my scoreboard aren't looking like 'squares' but more likely like 'rectangles' and so they are cutted. Any hint?

posted about 11 years ago
#288 rayshud in Customization
raysIf you like it in the higher left position, all you have to do is edit the "width" value of the "HudChat" parameter in the BaseChat.res file.

And to answer your question, yes, it would overlap with the tournament spec. The only reason the lower left chat location is even an option is because a lot of people didn't like it in the top left and wanted to change it back regardless.

Thanks for the feedback though, hope I was able to help. :>

I thank you for helping me and please excuse my english it must have been awful to read my posts. I haven't tried to change that width value yet but I am quite sure it'll work. Cary on!

EDIT: I've tried to change the value and more or less it worked but I've also had to change the value of 'HudChatHistory' and 'ChatInputLine'. Works perfectly, thank you again.

posted about 11 years ago
#286 rayshud in Customization
raysbl4zeHi rays, I've recently started using your HUD and I find it great. I've done few changes like colours etc., but there is something I need help with. How can I replace the Chatbox at left bottom of the screen instead of having it at high left. I'm just quite used to the default one. Thanks in advance.
There's an option for that in the installer. :>

On the last page of tabs, just check the box associated with "Chat Box", and select bottom left.

Alternatively, if you don't want to remake the HUD, you can just delete the BaseChat.res file. That will move it back to it's default location.

But if I would replace it to the left bottom won't it overlap with tournament spectator? My resolution is 1366*768 so that might be the problem.

EDIT: And one more thing. After I had posted my first post when I asked how to move the chat I started playing TF2 and I reliazed I quite like the chat the way it is (left high). I'll try to move it to left bottom but if it will overlap with tournament spectator I'll rather move it back upward. And if this would happen how can I make it on my resolutin (1366*768) "bigger". It's just way too small I would like it wider so more text would fit in. Sorry for this chaos and thanks if you'll find the way out.

posted about 11 years ago
#281 rayshud in Customization

Hi rays, I've recently started using your HUD and I find it great. I've done few changes like colours etc., but there is something I need help with. How can I replace the Chatbox at left bottom of the screen instead of having it at high left. I'm just quite used to the default one. Thanks in advance.

posted about 11 years ago
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