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SteamID64 76561198005978415
SteamID3 [U:1:45712687]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22856343
Country Rainbow Nation
Signed Up March 25, 2013
Last Posted June 20, 2014 at 8:26 PM
Posts 396 (0.1 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input 1
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144 Hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G400s
Keyboard Logitech G110
Mousepad Steelseries QcK+
Headphones JVC HARX700
Monitor ASUS VG248QE
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#26 Most insolent frag. in TF2 General Discussion
Khakiit's not a tf2 frag video but every frag in this vid seems to be what you're asking for:

For some reason, those 180 twitch shots cpma players always do seems to translate to me, "I couldn't give less of a shit about you."

My favorite has always been "Work"

Hal and Nzero are so fun to watch play

Show Content
i don't mean to derail the thread with non-tf2 shit, but here's one last thing:
posted about 11 years ago
#2 humble bundle nein in Other Games

Thanks, but like you suggested, I already have basically everything from that bundle.

posted about 11 years ago
#6 ETF2L S16: Premiership Pre-Season Playoffs - The Last Resort vs. Fenneks eSports in Events

whoever is streaming this is lagging so bad it's unwatchable

posted about 11 years ago
#15 your most productive/unproductive day in Off Topic

Over the course of the summer I played so much videogames (we're talking like 10+ hours per day every day) that I actually developed carpal tunnel in both of my wrists.

guys, it's worthwhile to stretch every now and again

posted about 11 years ago
#24 $60 in TF2 General Discussion
Marmiehow does the prize pot effect u? have you ever won money from esea?

no, i know you havent so how much have you spent on this hobby? giving money to people who are giving you no benefit at all, other then to the top players, who are hardly even making money

why can't we all just play videogames

posted about 11 years ago
#30 ESEA-O league fee????? in TF2 General Discussion
Birdyrocksyea cos i mean an extra $2 couldn't be the result of maybe increased overheads it has to be a scam thank you for showing me the light good sir

lpkane is probably still paying his anticheat staff 100$ a month

posted about 11 years ago
#20 pre-season esea pugs anyone? in TF2 General Discussion
Toastersally banned me from his mumble as soon as I joined. :(

do you even have esea

posted about 11 years ago
#40 9-11 Remembrance in Off Topic
Mewtwoi love how there is only US people being butthurt.

are you daft

posted about 11 years ago
#14 Looking for mentor :) in Mentoring
Toasteryou may know me as Toaster "le master troll"

Go ahead and hold up your spork.

posted about 11 years ago
#16 Mumble and you. in TF2 General Discussion

My Mumble autostarts and joins my team's server every time my pc starts. If I don't have my friends talking to me, I won't play videogames.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 FREE 512 Slot Teamspeak 3 Server For Any & All in TF2 General Discussion
MerchantteamplayhutimesthelegallimitVery generous of you. Out of curiosity, what are the advantages of Teamspeak compared to Mumble?
Mumble and Teamspeak 3 are both high quality voice over ip programs, but which one is better? We all know that teamspeak is the popular one, but just because it's popular doesnt make it the best Voip.

Really? At least in TF2 Mumble is everything. Where is teamspeak still used?

I've seen it used in LoL, Battlefield, and CoD4.

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Crespi in TF2 General Discussion
crespiMy ping was spiking to 800 and beyond on badlands. I made sure that no one in my house was using the Internet, but it was still spiking. We were about to get a ringer but then I had the idea of plugging straight into my modem. I did that, rejoined and it was fine for most of the duration of badlands.

On gravelpit, I started getting the auto disconnect in 20 seconds warning, and my choke would explode on my net graph. For the first round this was happening every 30-45 seconds. During the second and third round it started happening every 10-15 seconds. It just got worse and worse near the end. Every time it happened, I would also temporarily disconnect from Mumble. Many times when it would cease I would be in respawn.

We didn't pause because this is the second night in a row where we've had to deal with this shit. It was obvious it wasn't going to stop. We simply just wanted it all to be over with. We didn't want to lose, but we knew there wasn't much we could do. We're all happy that we can now take a breather and say gg, good season.

If anyone knows any possible way to get records from my isp, or my own computer, or verify that it was indeed a ddos, I'd be interested in finding that out. I personally think I was being attacked because this has never happened in any match, ever. Quite a pill to swallow to say it was just coincidence.

it's okay crespi, you're still my favorite

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Good Mic? in Hardware

ModMic is great, I've heard. Don't know if it falls under your budget.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 do you think closed captions are overpowered? in TF2 General Discussion
SBARROHOTTOPICliasIt's not an unfair advantage, anyone can use it.
by that mentality, wouldn't openplugin not be an unfair advantage?

Project-7 public isnt an unfair advantage

posted about 11 years ago
#25 ESEA Open Grand Finals: Street Hoops eSports vs. The Italian Stallions in Events

street hoops allday

posted about 11 years ago
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