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Last Posted May 8, 2018 at 12:12 AM
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#16 The DEFINITIVE class ranking guide in Videos
bearodactylpyro class not number 1 LUL

the prophet

posted about 6 years ago
#13 Ready Up: An Appreciation in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#30 List of Broken Contracts in TF2 General Discussion

If you reflect a Dragon's Fury projectile and kill someone with it, it won't count for the contract (which I believe is a bonus on the main contract).

posted about 7 years ago
#26 we esports now? in TF2 General Discussion

Original video here:

Rough translation, but:

With the rapid development of e-sports, the UK's largest gaming event, Insomnia, will be able to attract 70,000 visitors over the week to the scene, while millions will be watching online. With the gradual expansion of esports, the voice of esports is also becoming stronger and stronger, hoping that one day these gamers can also compete in the Olympic arena.

More than 3,000 gamers gathered at the Birmingham stadium in the UK to participate in the 24-hour e-sports conference. Recently, as the traditional video game becomes increasingly competitive, players have put in a lot of time to hone their skills and then join a professional team with a few others. The fans are multiplying and while the United Kingdom currently has 3 million fans, it is expected to increase in the next three years by another 8 million.

Facing such a large group, the Paris Olympic Committee co-chairman has revealed that it will explore the possibility of incorporating gaming into the Olympics.

"We've seen a number recognized for, not just the physical activity, but the prowess of reaction speed so we're very hopeful that it might be accepted in the future," said Craig Woods, gaming area manager.

But even if the bid is successful, there are no shortage of problems for the esports scene.

"It's so difficult to define esports as one game, that's the main problem in my eyes, because there's so many different genres and so many different skills you can test." says gamer Grant Vincent.

There are also gaming experts who believe that gaming can be an independent event without the Olympic stage, but instead organizing their own version of the Olympics.

Surprisingly good report regarding esports, especially as a lot of news stations tend to laugh at the idea.

posted about 7 years ago
#3745 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Highlights in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#4 most viewed frag video in tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

Unfortunately it's actually this:

posted about 7 years ago