oh yeah one week away woooo hoooooo
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SteamID64 | 76561198074701151 |
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Last Posted | January 19, 2025 at 7:33 PM |
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Reminder that our next Horse Run Monthly is this Sunday on Oct. 6th at 3 PM ET. There's still time to sign up!
We also had this really cool graphic made to promote the event:
We had this awesome graphic made. Check it out and sign up for this Sunday's event!
rofl siyo
BethniczconniekinsThought I'd bump the thread to mention that some heavy hitter teams are entering the event. Right now we've got Froyotech, Like a G6, and Anglerfish all signed up to play on Sept. 1st.
It's gonna be sick to potentially see the runback between Froyo and G6.
if there is no ROME I'm not watching
I will have my lawyers speak to ROME's lawyers.
Thought I'd bump the thread to mention that some heavy hitter teams are entering the event. Right now we've got Froyotech, Like a G6, and Anglerfish all signed up to play on Sept. 1st.
It's gonna be sick to potentially see the runback between Froyo and G6.
Hey everyone, Connie here. I thought I'd make an official post on TFTV to encourage more sign ups.
I am starting a new 6v6 Competitive event series for TF2 called the Horse Run Monthly. This event will have a new, unique format and a $500 prize pool every single month. The top three teams of our Headliner Bracket will get paid out.
The Horse Run Monthly will have two total brackets. Our Headliner Bracket is intended for players within RGL Main and up. This is the bracket that contains the $500 prize pool. Our Secondary Bracket is intended for players within RGL AM-IM; the Secondary Bracket is for players to gain more experience.
Maps will be predetermined based on your current phase in the bracket. The format for this tournament will be a Bo1, single elimination event. Players who make it into Top 8 will be put into a separate double elimination bracket. Grand Finals will be a single elimination Bo3 that gives the team from winner's side a 1 map advantage.
More information on the rules and format can be found in the Gamer Latam Discord server, you can join our server by using the link from our YouTube video down below.
The goal of this event is to support the TF2 scene in a faster paced tournament series. Cups aren't very common in the TF2 scene, and not every single player can commit to a competitive season, so we wanted to give more players a chance to play. We plan to listen to your input and change the format based on player feedback if needed.
We will be hosting these events on the first Sunday of every month. Our first event begins on Sunday, Sept. 1st at 3 PM ET. Our stream will go live once Top 8 begins!
As of now, we have capped each bracket to 16 teams total, but we plan to open the number of sign-ups in the near future. So far the community support and interest has been great, so thank you all for your kind words so far. Hope to see you on the 1st!
YouTube Announcement (Sign-Up & Stream info in the description!):
Big shout outs to Fireside Casts for their support throughout the planning stages this project.
This event would not be possible without Gamer Latam providing funds for this event, so please give them support as well. Thanks! :)