Hey everyone!
Thanks again for all the support, we are beyond stoked to have reached our fundraising goal already!
We also did not realise that the ‘raffle’ perk was not allowed. This perk has been changed to exclusive membership in the Witness Gaming Australia VIP Club. As Indiegogo does not allow perks to be edited afterwards, the previous perk has been hidden and a new perk created. The previous purchasers of this perk will be contacted to inform them of this change and to provide them with a discord link to join our VIP club.
Our Witness Gaming Australia VIP club is unrelated to Indiegogo and will be hosted on discord with the usual channels related to discussion. Our VIP club will also be hosting a raffle shortly before LAN - some of the prizes include: Scorching Flames Tank Top worn by down, Circling Heart Toadstool Topper worn by conor, Wandering Wisps California Cap worn by cooki, Cloud 9 Allbrero worn by enrith. For clarity, previous purchasers who are now members will automatically be entered.