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SteamID64 76561198138367852
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:89051062
Country New Zealand
Signed Up November 23, 2014
Last Posted January 1, 2025 at 4:59 PM
Posts 79 (0 per day)
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer DeathAdder 2013
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Mousepad Steelseries QCK
Headphones Razer Kraken Pro
Monitor Laptop
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#5 down? in TF2 General Discussion

Hey everyone, is back online. Thanks for the heads up Samus. If anyone’s still having trouble, send me a Discord DM.

I apologise for the downtime, as mitch said I’ve been wrapped up with IRL stuff - but I still could have gotten this fixed sooner.

I’m still committed to keeping online indefinitely. It’s been a great resource for the community over 12 years and I don’t want that to be lost.

Much love to y’all for 2025!

posted 2 months ago
#6 old ESEA news articles in TF2 General Discussion
I'm working on archiving every article right now, once I'm done with that I'll see if I can get them on as well

unfortunately esea seems to block from working with its cloudflare settings or something, so I was using which does work just fine

I've added an article to the ESEA-I Season 22 page to show an example of the syntax. Happy to add them all to the appropriate pages if you send me the links as well.

posted about a year ago
#2 old ESEA news articles in TF2 General Discussion has been using for this kind of thing since 2014. For example, the old i55 splash page on Insomnia's website is archived here. There's probably better apps than out there which might be worth switching to.

I started by archiving TF2 Storylines: compLexity TF2. From there, these links could be put on the corresponding ESEA season pages on Team Fortress Liquipedia or as external links/media.

As for, we could go a step further and copy the text and create an article for each ESEA article. That way if goes down, we still have copies. Not sure if Liquipedia would allow that kind of content but hopefully they do.

Not sure if there are better solutions elsewhere, but I can start working on archiving these. Would be a big shame to lose them.

posted about a year ago
#5 xmas process map in Map Discussion

There was a winter Process featured in the Environments frag video. Unfortunately the maps were made specifically for the video and aren't even close to a playable state. But you should watch it if you haven't anyway, it's fkn sick.

There's also a winter Process desktop wallpaper here.

posted about a year ago
#1 RGL HL S16 Invite GF #2: Witness Gaming vs. Team Fun in Events

Amazing casting and camerawork the whole season. Thank you for the work you guys do!

posted about a year ago
#1 Stream Request in Requests

New Zealand
jump + pugs

posted about 2 years ago
#1 RGL S6 W1A: Cat Posse vs. The Jug Dealers in Events

Great cast for a great game really enjoyed watching

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Lockdown Throwdown - Day 2 - Invite Quarterfinals in Events


posted about 4 years ago
#151 It's coming home in World Events

Best performance I've ever seen from any team. Only thing that can get past my hatred for England was how brilliant you guys just played the game of rugby. World class godspeed in the final.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 ESEA S26 W9: Ascent vs. SVIFT NA in Matches

Marxist you are a hero

posted about 7 years ago
#832 update is released in TF2 General Discussion
Dyl4Nnew question, has anyone else been in a mission and then they're mission item was removed and you had to restart the mission to do it again?

Yeah. It saves your progress at the end of the round though. Also you can use the sandvich for the banana mission.

posted about 7 years ago
#19 which one of u did this in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks a bunch Mitch for the work you put in, not only reverting the edits but updating the pages to current day context. Seriously, major props to you - thanks again.

IPs blocked, sorry none of us could take action sooner.

posted about 7 years ago
#16 New Gorillaz album in Music, Movies, TV

The standard edition was leaked a few days ago here (no promises against viruses)

The album is a lot more chaotic sounding and hard hitting than Plastic Beach and overall really good. Defintely give 3 or 4 listens to every song even if you don't like them at first, and especially if you're used to the older Gorillaz stuff. Of the songs that aren't already released, Strobelite, Momentz and Submission are my personal favourites. Also Hallelujah Money is a lot more modest/fitting (IMO) when placed in the album.

Another solid, well themed and really unique sounding Gorillaz album I reckon.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 drunk shade clips in Videos

posted about 7 years ago
#3 ESEA S24 W7: Six Apes vs. Jamal E-Sports in Matches

botmode skip jump to save round:

posted about 8 years ago
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