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Signed Up June 4, 2013
Last Posted April 7, 2021 at 6:59 PM
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#12 Help with internet in Hardware
bot_tAySo, I recently switched to rcn 50 down 6 up, which would be the same you'd get with your price limit. Speed wise, no complaints it holds speed most of the day. Connection wise, I've had my internet drop 4 or 5 nights, for a few hours (after like 1am to about 9 am) but no primetime drops. I've had it for like 3 months now.


I actually just realized rcn doesn't cover my area :/

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Help with internet in Hardware
jp_Switched to different lines that didn't have any corrosion. Problem with flaky connection went away.

How'd you switch?

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Help with internet in Hardware
conductorIt's probably a problem with the wiring in the building or something.

Yep, the wiring is awful, and we aren't going to fix that because it's expensive.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Help with internet in Hardware
TheFragileJustin lives in Chicago, and he has Comcast as his ISP. He complains about it being fast and slow randomly for as long as I've known him (much slower than fast during the night).


posted about 11 years ago
#1 Help with internet in Hardware

I currently have AT&T, dsl, and it is just awful. Even though it's still slow, it's still about good enough. However, the thing is, I lose connection A LOT, because it is dsl, and the wiring at my house is messed up.

I used to have Comcast a while back, and it was pretty twitchy, in which it would sometimes be fast, and sometimes slow.

Does anybody have any suggestions on which one I should get in the Illinois area, with my limit being probably $50/month?

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79