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Last Posted April 7, 2024 at 2:59 PM
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#22 Just got scammed out of 200 dollars worth of keys in TF2 General Discussion


posted 9 months ago
#23 Sponsored prem player refuse to pay back lost item in TF2 General Discussion
vexocosmeticalwould like to remind that for "3rd Screenshot.) After losing my sniper rifle I noticed that another player's rifle was signed, I spoke to Laiky about it and he said he wasn't sure if his API is still corrupted or not which makes no real sense, why would you sign someone's rifle after you JUST lost someone else's rifle?"

i was the one that kept going with the signing, even knowing of the api problem, that's not on him, i took the full risk and if i lost it it was on me

so youre basically admitting youre retarded? nice one g

it didn't really bother me at the time that the whole api thing was such an issue, only really had the grasp of how big of a pain up the ass it was when it actually became an issue like laiky told me before the signing, if i wanted to play it safe i definitely wouldn't have done it, but again, it took over an hour easily to finally get the rifle signed and not have it taken by bots

posted about a year ago
#18 Sponsored prem player refuse to pay back lost item in TF2 General Discussion

would like to remind that for "3rd Screenshot.) After losing my sniper rifle I noticed that another player's rifle was signed, I spoke to Laiky about it and he said he wasn't sure if his API is still corrupted or not which makes no real sense, why would you sign someone's rifle after you JUST lost someone else's rifle?"

i was the one that kept going with the signing, even knowing of the api problem, that's not on him, i took the full risk and if i lost it it was on me

it also feels as if some of the wording in the imgur link brings up doubts about the api scam even being real at all, the signing process took easily over an hour and we had the exact same problem you had with trading, what i'm trying to say is that he isn't doing the scamming himself, it is genuinely an api scam, they very much suck. (this is not a comment on the whole repaying thing, i just want to make this piece of info clear)

posted about a year ago
#9449 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted about a year ago