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Signed Up March 30, 2013
Last Posted December 19, 2024 at 11:02 AM
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#144 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events
ScrewballMax_You have a huge ego for someone who spent 7 seasons in IM (and made playoffs once) and 11 in Open
Cash50 and the Mid Ringers (Cevo A S6)
Inevitable Defeat (Cevo A 6v6 S7 3rd place)
Gangsta Gang Gaming (UGC Platinum 9v9 S5 1st place)
Gangsta Gang Gaming (UGC Platinum 9v9 S6 2nd place)
Vehemence (ESEA O S8)
Superfriends (ESEA O S10)
Inadequacy (ETF2L Div 3 6v6 S12 2nd place)
Inadequacy (ETF2L NA Rules Cup Highest Bracket 6v6 2nd place)
Inadequacy (ETF2L Div 2 6v6 S13)
Feirce! (ETF2L Div 2 6v6 S14)
Dango Daikazoku (ESEA O S14 3rd place)
Syndrome of a Down (ESEA M S15)
Phase (ETF2L Div 2 S17 6v6 1st place)
lods of emone (ETF2L Div 2 S6 9v9 2nd place)
6 Man Suicide (Cevo O S6 playoffs)
wookiez (ETF2L Div 1 S19 6v6 3rd place)
Planet Express (ETF2L High S22 6v6 playoffs)
Planet Express (ETF2L Pre-Season Premiership Playoffs)
We Never Wipe (ESEA O S18 playoffs)
Mutual Consent (ESEA O S20 4th place)
Ziggurat Complex (ESEA IM S22)
dunheon defenders (ESEA IM S23 2nd place)

r u proud of taking like 15 seasons to get 2nd in IM and doing it by playing medic

posted about 8 years ago
#31 Leagues make uick-fix to whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

Did you not read the other part of the post?

"Because the UGC season continued on schedule despite the ESEA season being postponed, we were unable to wait for the results of the second whitelist meeting and had to come up with our own to give to our players. "

posted about 8 years ago
#46 ESA Rewind LAN: Day 2 in Events
toothFollow these rules for an enjoyable stream:
  • Roamer or a Scout behind the enemy team? Spectate them.
  • Someone playing a non-standard or pick class? Spectate them.
  • One team has an uber advantage? Spectate that team's pocket.
  • Teams are even uber and holding? Spectate the roamer of the team that holds mid/owns more CPs.
  • Teams are even uber and getting ready to push? Specate the pocket of the team that holds mid/owns more CPs.

Also, don't be afraid to spectate medics either. Watching the Med POV is a great way to see what's actually happening in a fight without getting disoriented from a bunch of camera switching.

Having said all that, I know that running camera on a stream is not the most enjoyable thing it the world (especially when you're doing it for that long). I know things like that can be grating and hopefully you can see this as feedback and constructive criticism, not just criticism. Good luck with the rest of the games!

To be fair while people say you should spec someone behind it's not always that easy. I've seen a few missed plays because starkie gets in a 1v1 behind and just keeps running away and then while you're on his cam his team takes advantage of the distraction and pushes, sometimes the player behind runs in during that fight and gets a 3k and other times he just keeps running around behind.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Leagues make uick-fix to whitelist in TF2 General Discussion

Jarate is definitely fucking retarded hope tri says fuck you to this global whitelist shit

posted about 8 years ago
#483 TF2 Rewind LAN at Esports Arena - Jan 21-22 in LAN Discussion
Ieeill paypal bear and sam 25$ to do a tftv2 stream

idk if we can stream and play at the same time

posted about 8 years ago
#18 emergency lan scripting help in Customization
Blitheyo when u got the time mind explaining what the advantages are to firing right when u take ur wep out?

if you click once it just takes the wep out if you click and hold or click twice it shoots

as for whether or not it's a good thing idk but i've used it for a thousand hours of scout play so it's too late to go back now

posted about 8 years ago
#14 emergency lan scripting help in Customization
Vulcansaami figured out how to get it working how i like. thanks to the dudes who tried to help with my excessively vague bullshit
alias "+scatter" "slot1; +attack"
alias "+pistol" "slot2; +attack"
alias "+bat" "slot3; +attack"
alias "-scatter" "-attack"
alias "-pistol" "-attack"
alias "-bat" "-attack"

bind "MOUSE1" "+scatter"
bind "MOUSE2" "+pistol"
bind "MOUSE4" "+bat"
Did you try using the code we gave you? I'm pretty sure it works both ways

the one you posted doesn't work

posted about 8 years ago
#1 what $150 gets you at rewind lan in TF2 General Discussion

only 2 games guaranteed


posted about 8 years ago
#9 emergency lan scripting help in Customization

i figured out how to get it working how i like. thanks to the dudes who tried to help with my excessively vague bullshit

alias "+scatter" "slot1; +attack"
alias "+pistol" "slot2; +attack"
alias "+bat" "slot3; +attack"
alias "-scatter" "-attack"
alias "-pistol" "-attack"
alias "-bat" "-attack"

bind "MOUSE1" "+scatter"
bind "MOUSE2" "+pistol"
bind "MOUSE4" "+bat"
posted about 8 years ago
#7 emergency lan scripting help in Customization

it deinfitely involved +attack and -attack, sorry I can't be of more help to people trying to help me

posted about 8 years ago
#5 emergency lan scripting help in Customization
bind "MOUSE1" "slot1; +attack"
bind "MOUSE2" "slot2; +attack"
bind "MOUSE4" "slot3; +attack"

nah that doesn't do it. i remember the scrip i had using aliases and having stuff bound to like +scatter and -scatter if that helps

posted about 8 years ago
#1 emergency lan scripting help in Customization

i forgot to bring my config to lan and i have no idea how i had it setup to work

i'd like it mouse1 switches to primary and shoot, mouse2 switches to secondary and shoots, and mouse4 switches to melee and shoots

any help would be super appreciated.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 FACEIT Solo Queue Cup - Thursday 1/19 in TF2 General Discussion
Menachemrolled the first match in 15 minutes, then our pocket ragequit after the first round of game two. who does that?
saamMenachemyea 6 teams got a bye on the first round, that doesn't make any sense to me
because there were 11 signups

so why were there 6 byes instead of just 1?

Because that's how tournament brackets work?

posted about 8 years ago
#16 FACEIT Solo Queue Cup - Thursday 1/19 in TF2 General Discussion
Menachemyea 6 teams got a bye on the first round, that doesn't make any sense to me

because there were 11 signups

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ETF2L Season 26 Preseason Premiership Qualifier Lower Bracket Final: dark slayers vs Lemmings in Events

who is elacour and why is he so good

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 ⋅⋅ 270